
Monday, May 27, 2013

Wisteria Lane...

Yesterday, my friend Heather and I took a road trip down to the Niagara wine region.  Among other things, we visited a fabulous shop in Jordan Village called Stitch. To quote them, they are "a sanctuary for knitters, quilters and needle artists".  We found some wonderful treasures to use in our fibre art!

Just a few doors down, there is a lovely bed and breakfast with the most beautiful side arbour, covered in wisteria!  As you can see from these images, there is the most glorious covering of purple blossoms.

After spending more than we should have at Stitch, we enjoyed a delicious lunch outside on the patio of Zooma Zooma, a great little restaurant in the village.

It was a perfect day, spent with a wonderful friend.

Both images have a layer of Kim Klassen's 'teatime' texture (from her mini May set) added at a soft light blend mode of 50%.

Linking up with Our World TuesdayTexture Tuesday, and Sweet Shot Tuesday.


  1. Wisteria is one of my favorites and the photos are beautiful. It sounds as if you had a lovely day with your friend.

    1. Thanks Janet. Yes we has a lovely day. I love wisteria too, and just loved the white arbour in contrast to it.

  2. Oh, how very beautiful!

    1. Yes, I've never seen such a beautiful display of wisteria before.

  3. Stunning colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

    1. Thanks Gary. It was so wonderful to see these beautiful blossoms!

  4. I'm Jealous...wish I could have seen it in person. Very interested to see what you both bought? My father was just telling me on Sunday that his Wisteria is glorious this year. I must check it out on our next road trip. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Leah, you'd love Stitch. She carries a lot of fabulous stuff!

  5. Glad you enjoyed Stitch and Zooma Zooma! Stitch is one of my favorite places. Joceyln the owner is a very gracious, sweet lady. We like to drop in for what I call colour therapy. It is an area I love to visit. And I just live 15 minutes away and grew up just 5 minutes! The wisteria is one of my favorite Spring sightings.
    I really enjoyed seeing your work in St. Jacobs this weekend. It is great to see on your blog but more wonderful in person. Your beaded project was stunning!

    1. Thanks so much Jo. You're so lucky to be so close to Stitch. It' such a fabulous shop, I really must try to get there more than just once a year! I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing our work in St. Jacobs. I get to see my friends work at our monthly meetings, but I must say it's a real treat to see it hung in a show, where they're all together.

  6. Oh this is gorgeous! Wysteria does not grow anywhere I ever am, and I just love the way it looks and wonder if it smells as good as it looks! Your photos are sheer happiness on a page!

    1. Thanks Kristie. I'm surprised more people don't grow it. It is so pretty!


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