
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fortunately I Can Still Shop...

Sadly, I have overestimated my ability to hand stitch.  As you can see, my ring finger is still very swollen, and tethered to it's sore but less injured neighbour.  But, the good news is that I can still shop for fun new supplies!
On Sunday my friend and I went to the Silmaril Farm Fleece and Fibrefest.  It sounds like a big event, but really it's a small 'open house' sort of event where you can watch sheep and alpaca being sheared, Pat some adorable little goats and enjoy newly hatched chicks and ducklings. 
There are also a few vendors selling yarns and fleece, etc.  As you can see, I found some wonderful fibres that I'm looking forward to using in some upcoming art pieces.

Here are a few of the alpacas, some before and one after being shorn. I love the funky haircut they keep after the sheering!  The little one was especially cute.


  1. Hi Linda, I'm so sorry for your poor hand, but very happy that you are getting on with shopping and having fun. Those alpacas are so cute:)
    Have a great weekend, and get better,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

    1. Thanks Connie. The alpaca are adorable aren't they. Enjoy your weekend too!

  2. So sorry about your hand and hope that it heals soon. Love that alpaca haircut! REally gives him some personality and do love those fibers

    1. Thanks Jeanne. It's coming along. I think the wrist will heal well so I really only need to worry about that one finger (because we all know worrying helps LOL). I do miss my cycling though!

  3. Good grief! You're supposed to be getting better girly! Could you get on that, please? :)

    1. LOL I'm trying KIt, honest! Have a great weekend.

  4. Lovely supplies! What fun to meet the animals! Did you know that shopping, and buying new art supplies, actually helps us to heal quicker?? Medically proven....

    1. Thanks Jean. It was a fun day and i'm glad to learn I was actually helping my healing along! :o)

  5. Glad you are able to keep busy and have fun. Keep moving those fingers - I was surprised at how much mine stiffened up even though I try to use them a lot.

    1. Thanks Carolyn. I know what you mean about the fingers stiffening. I have to be aware of my hand position when I walk the dog or everyone thinks I'm waving at them as I do my physio exercises. LOL

  6. Glad to see that you are out and having fun. The animals are adorable! Keep moving those fingers - mine stiffened up a lot, even though I thought I was using them all along.

    1. Thanks Carolyn. I'm doing my physio exercises as I type this (one handed hunt and peck). I'll be great to get back to typing properly!

  7. Your poor hand! But you're still having fun. Love the pics of the animals. They have such interesting expressions and I love their hair-dos!


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