
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Shirt Off His Back...

For this piece, I've gone back to that denim shirt I told you about in a post a couple of weeks ago.  Since that last post, I've added a lot of free-motion quilting, hand stitching and some flat, wooden 'button like' discs.  I am amazed at how tough it was to do all the seed stitching into the rust dyed fabric.  Even the areas that are lightly rusted are tough, but stitching through the darker areas has left me with several punctures in my hand from the back of the needle.  I guess I should have pulled out a thimble, but I'm just not used to using one so I find them a bit annoying to work with.  Having said that, puncturing your hands is a tad annoying too...


  1. I like it! Did you wash the rusted fabrics before using them (after they were rusted)?

    1. Thank you Patricia. And yes, I did wash the rust dyed fabric after rusting it but that only takes out some of the rust (thank goodness or the process would be pointless LOL)

  2. "... Having said that, puncturing your hands is a tad annoying too" lol!

    When I was at Fabricland on the weekend (they were having a members only sale - 50% off! - I got a lot of clothing fabrics); I saw they also had packs of little discs that you stick to your fingers rather than using a thimble. I picked up a pack so next time I'm doing hand stitching, I'll let you know how they work - I hate thimbles too!

    1. I've seen those but never tried them, so I'll be interested to hear what you think of them Kit.

  3. very cool, love the stitch like lacy bit in blue, nice texture.

    1. Thanks Margaret. That machine lace is a lot of fun to make...a bit addictive!

  4. I really like your denim series. I hate the feel of the thimble too and those little discs work well~but I keep loosing them. We just added our programs in my DDFA group, for the rest of the year. They would have loved the denim idea.

    1. Thanks Ruthanne. I've been enjoying this series too. I really like the idea of recycling and transforming with surface design.


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