
Friday, April 19, 2013

Doodling Your Way...

I'm really enjoying the online lessons in '21 Secrets'.  This journal spread was inspired by the lessons of Cathy Bluteau.  It involves using collage and doodle and it was a lot of fun to pull out some of the little stickers, homemade washi tape, etc. to add some extra layers.  Some of the flowers came from beautiful napkins I've collected over time, as well as a birthday card my Mom gave me this year.  I wish that you could buy those beautiful napkins individually instead of having to buy a whole pack.  They often have such pretty flowers on them and they're perfect for collage!  I've also started collecting interesting elements from flyers and much easier than having to store the entire magazine!


  1. wish i could see how that came to be. awesome. i love it.

    1. Thanks Faygie. I'm really enjoying the lessons in 21 Secrets. It's not too late to sign up...

  2. Love the colour in this. The idea of using napkins is cool, there are some fascinating ones about.

    1. Thanks Sharon. And yes, I find some of the napkins on the market are quite lovely!

  3. I love it! Think I'll have to check out the 21 Secrets lessons.
    I agree about the napkins. I'll have to check out what I have later. Maybe I could mail you some.

    1. Thanks Alyce. I think you'd enjoy 21 Secrets if you decide to sign up. Lots of fun, artful inspiration. And the idea of surprises in the mail is just so much fun!

  4. I'm doing 21 Secrets, too. There is so much to choose from. Cathy Bluteau's class is on my list of definite to-dos. Love your pages.

    1. Thanks Maricella. You'll enjoy Cathy's class. I'm planning to do all of them and then probably revisit my favourites a second time.

  5. Why not host a napkin swap? Everyone buy a package then send all but one to you with postage paid envelope for returned assortment.

    1. What a good idea Mary! I think I will! I'll have to figure out the logistics since the postage paid return envelop only works if the swappers are in Canada but I'm sure I can figure something out.


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