
Monday, March 4, 2013

Writing With Ink

This was a fun page.  I started by playing around with inks, as per Joanne's lesson 21, and one thing led to another. I had these 'Posh Rainbow Inks' by Ranger in my stash and they've got a very fine tip so you can write with them by just very gently squeezing the bottle as you go.

After using the butterscotch to write the words, I echoed them using cranberry.  I drew the flowers in the same way.  I ended up cutting them out because they just needed an interesting layered background to allow them to pop.

I started by using a lace doily and spraying with green Dylusions ink. I then layered on some blue and purple acrylic paint, using an old gift card and my fingers.  I stamped over that layer with Traci Bautista's 'creativity flows' grafitti stamp.  It was a fabulous surprise to see that some of the green Dylusions spray somehow bled through so that the stamped letters had a green caste in some places.  That's one of my favourite things about those never know what added bonus you'll get that you could never hope to achieve on purpose!

I followed that stamping with some found object stamping to create some circles here and there and then I glued the original words and flowers I had made in place.  The final step was to do a bit of journalling and doodling using my white Signo.


  1. Such a joyful image! This kind of creativity always blows me away.

    1. Thanks Sherry. They're a lot of fun to create.

  2. Hi Linda.....I thought you might like this is a great/easy to read graphic in regards to using manual mode on your camera.

  3. Linda, thank you for sharing the process, I like the result very much!

  4. THANK YOU!!! Love what you did with these inks. Thanks for sharing.
    I have these bottles of ink and I wouldn't have thought to use them for this. I've been purging recently because I have so much in this room. So if I hadn't used something and didn't have a potential use in mind, I was sharing it with a group of art friends that meet monthly to trade ATC's. Twice a year we have set aside a day where we bring in supplies to put on a table. You take whatever you would like. It's a way to try new supplies and let others have something they don't already have.
    I was afraid I had taken these inks to the last trade. I was happy to find them in my drawer. And I'm happy that despite having a LOT of things in this room, I knew exactly where they'd be if I still had them. I'll be trying this soon.

    1. That's fantastic Alyce. I'm so glad to be able to inspire you to use them. I love your idea of swapping things with art friends like that. I'm sure we all have things in our stash that we don't like as much as we thought we might or no longer wish to use that someone else would love to try. Have fun with those inks.

  5. Linda I just happen to come upon your blog. Never thought of using the inks for writing. I was searching to see if anyone has used them for spray inks like Dylusions. Have not ever used the Posh inks and was willing to try and then saw what you have done with them.
    I also am taking Joanne's Letter Love 201 class but have not even started yet. Just have seen what everyone else has done. I plan on doing it soon and will keep some to letter with.

    1. Yes Bonnie, they're great for writing with. I don't know about using them as a spray ink, but why not experiment and see what happens. Have fun when you do start the lessons. I still have several more to do too. I'm enjoying just playing around with some of Joanne's ideas and using them with other things I've been trying.

    2. Linda I did try some of the Posh inks as a spray. Put some in a 2 oz spray bottle and filled with water. I liked how they turned out. I really need to get started on Joanne's class. Took the Magical Marker one also and did get that one almost done.
      Well I will see your work over on our Facebook account.
      I have loved your work.

    3. Awesome Bonnie. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. So creative! I love your art!


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