
Friday, March 22, 2013

Rusty WIP

Here's a look at the basic layout of the rust piece I'm working on.  I love the rust dyed fabric, but it is really hard on machine needles!  I've got some plans for the larger black areas, although this photo doesn't show the rust in them.  The close up below gives you a better indication of the wonderful colour and texture that is showing on the black.  It almost looks like old leather.  Really cool!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Vicki. I'm having a lot of fun with it, but boy is the rust hard on the machine needles! LOL

  2. This project is looking beautiful!

    1. Thanks Janet. I'm enjoying the process, from dyeing the fabric to planning and sewing the art quilt. Looking forward to the quilting part to come soon.

  3. This looks a fabulous experimental technique. You are right it does look like leather.


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