
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Repurposed Map Book = Art Journal

I dropped by Waste Wise the other day and I picked up a map book with a great coil binding.  It will make the perfect repurposed art journal since the pages lay perfectly flat when open and the bonus of course is that the full page maps will make for a great first layer as I add paint, stamps, stencils, etc.

So far all I've done is the outside cover.  I used my Gelli plate to create the green textured background on both the front and back of the journal.  As you can see in the close up of the back, between the spiral stencil I used and the actual paint texture, it looks really great (I think :o)) so I've decided just to leave the back with only the bit of a doodled border.

On the front, I've used some sprayed and stamped paper on which I had written "Create" using matte medium (mixed with some black paint).  I cut up some extra bits to add spaces to write the other words and to create the little circles.  The doodled border you see is the same on the back of the journal.

Cost of my new art journal:  .50¢
Daily art journalling enjoyment:  Priceless!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Roberta. It's a great way to reuse and keep things out of landfill.

  2. What a great way to use an old map book. I have one that is losing its well used pages. Time for an up date and to use the old book maybe for art?

    1. Yes. And I was lucky because who ever owned this before me must have never needed to find his's in almost new condition even those the maps are eight years old. A great find for my .50¢!

  3. I love both the back and front! These are really cool!

    I keep saying I'm going to purchase a Gelli plate but I haven't done it yet. You inspire me to do it! Thank you.

    Have a fabulous day and I'm off to read about you on the I'm A Late Bloomer blog!

    1. Thanks Donna. You'll love playing with the Gelli plate. Have a great day!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Christine. Repurposed books are very inexpensive, allowing for more spending on other art supplies. ;o)

  5. Hi Linda, I found you on the late Bloomers blog and loved reading your post. I am not a quilter, but am totally in awe of your creative fiber art. I also love art journaling as well as getting my hands messy in many mediums in art. I am excited to meet you and have become your latest follower. Please come visit, I would be over the moon if you would choose to follow me back.
    Have a fun and creative day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

    1. Thank you Connie. Welcome to my blog. Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. Love the idea of using re purposed maps.....NICE! xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. Map books are perfect for this sort of thing.

  7. Linda, the cover is great! Your works and posts are inspirational and informative, thank you! 50 cents are almost nothing - congratulation!

    1. Thanks Helen. I'm glad you're enjoying my blog.

  8. Great idea! I've got one around here that could use a good makeover! Thanks again, as always.

    1. Thanks Lynda. Glad I could help you tidy up some 'junk' and create a great new journal!


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