
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Remembering Oatie...

I made a special fibre postcard in honour of Oatis, a four year old miniature schnauzer that recently died because of a tragic misdiagnosis.  My friend, Donna and her husband were devastated by the loss of this little fur person, and this is just a little token to let them know that I'm thinking of them.

I altered this image in Lightroom and Photoshop to create the image for the postcard.

Some might say that he was "just a dog", but I get it Donna!

Linking up with Photo Art Friday for Bonnie's 'portrait' theme.


  1. this is wondrous, Linda!! I was thinking to DO one of Gracie's gazillion and one photos for Portrait but ended up DOing ME!!

    anyway, I love this postie and am sorry to hear the story. I'd BE a little lost in the weeds without Gracie, that is for sure.

    1. Thanks Currie. I know what you mean. Casey is fast approaching her 13th birthday (in June) and I can't bare the thought of her not being with us! The fur folks are such an important part of the family.

  2. I get it too and I love the piece you made of Oatis! I really relate to this post. For one, I have a Mini Schnauzer named Sally who looks a lot like Oatis. She's almost 13.

    The other thing is that I had a Shih Tzu named Mitzi Mae that died two years ago. She was losing the ability to use her front legs due to a possible lesion on her brain. A vet gave her a medication that made her worse. After taking the medication a time or two, her legs became stiff and she couldn't move at all. She whined and cried at times which was not like her at all. When I called the vet about the medication, I was told by the staff that she just wanted attention! She was a very independent, laid back gal, and NEVER EVER whined for attention or for any other reason. It wasn't her style!

    I took her to an ER vet that night and they told me that most vets never used the medication she was on anymore, and she got some relief for the night. The next day, I took her to my sister's vet. She did pretty well for a few months but eventually she had a seizure and we had to have her put to sleep. I hated losing her but I hated seeing her suffer even more. If I'd have stuck with that vet, I may not have had those extra months with her. I'm thankful that I had them.

    Anyway, all that said, I really understand how your friend feels. Tell your friend, from one Donna to another, my heart breaks for her. Our pets are part of our family and it is losing a family member when they pass.

    I posted a tribute to Mitzi in 2011 on one of blogs. Some of it was humorous and writing it was therapy. If you're interested in reading it, here is the link:

    Take care,

    1. Thanks Donna. It's so true that they are such an important part of our family. It's just too bad we have them for such a short time!

  3. o, I thought it was a blanket. :) Would have been nice.

    1. Yes, a full sized quilt would have been great.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Tina. Just some minor tweaks to the original photo made a big difference.

  5. I get it too! How special - she will really appreciate your gift!

    1. Thanks Marilyn. I suspect all pet owners do. And yes, she loved it...I gave it to her yesterday.

  6. What a wonderful gift for a friend ~ So beautifully done and so creative ~ 'fur persons' are part of the family and so loving and loyal ^_^

    1. Thanks. She really enjoyed it and plans to frame it. And yes, I couldn't imagine life without fur people to share it with us!

  7. I found your blog through I'm a Late Bloomer (and I'm one of those bloomers, too)! Your artwork is amazing and beautiful. I look forward to seeing more of it as time goes on.

  8. Fantastic tribute. This was a touching post and a wonderful gift to give your friends to remember their furry family member. I get it too.

    1. Thanks Ida. I think all of us with pets get it don't we!

  9. My oh my -- your photo image today could pass as a hallmark greeting card.. too -- LOVE IT!! And sorry for their loss --

  10. Love your postcard Linda.

    Please add the link for OYGIF then come back and link up again. Thanks.

  11. You did a wonderful gesture towards a friend and a great piece of creative art. It's lovely!
    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Katarina. It was fun to do especially knowing what it would mean for Donna. You have a great weekend too!

  12. What a loving, sensitive way to commemorate the life of a loyal companion, Linda. Your friend must be SO grateful.

    The treatment of the image is so imaginative - inspired work!!

    1. Thank you Bonnie. And yes, Donna loved it. Have a great weekend.

  13. How very nice of you and well done, too! XOXOXO

  14. I was fortunate that my Schnauzer was with me for almost fourteen years. She looked just like Oatie, same coloring, ears not clipped, I know how much her owner is missing her.

    1. Thanks Susan. Wonderful that you had you dog so long. Our golden will be 13 yrs. old in June and she's still doing really well so we've been lucky too. (Yes, I am now knocking on wood!)

  15. What a lovely tribute to the memory of your friend's dear little dog.

  16. This is beautiful, Linda!

  17. your friend is so very thoughtful and creative....So sorry for your loss - thru experience, I know how it feels to lose a beloved pet..

    1. Thanks Joanne. Actually I made the card for my friend. It was she who lost her dog.

  18. Your thoughtfulness and creativity combine to make a beautiful memoir, thanks for sharing♪ My Orange effort:

  19. That is so very sad but a beautiful tribute to Oatis. I am heartbroken for your friends' pain.

    1. Thank you Carol. It is such a sad situation, but she's hanging in!

  20. How thoughtful of you! Beautiful memory, Linda! They are never "just a dog" or "just a cat"

    1. Thank you Helen. Yes, pet owner always understand that they aren't 'just an animal'.

  21. Very beautiful. So nice of you to do this for your friend. The pain after losing a pet is...I don´t find words, I´ve been there myself. (And right know two of my cats are "helping" with this writing...)

    1. Thanks. My cat 'helps' me too LOL. Footprints on the keyboard and frequent type-os

  22. That is so sweet of you! I am sure they are more than grateful for it!

    1. Thanks Emily. And yes, they certainly are. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  23. Linda, this is truly very special...

  24. What beautiful work Linda and such a thoughtful gift for your friend. I have loved and lost many pets over the years, and of course it never gets easier. I couldn't imagine life without my greyhound Pepsi. Sending warm thoughts to your friend.

    1. Thanks Miriam. They do become such wonderful family members! Is Pepsi a greyhound rescue by any chance. I know a few people in our area that have them.

  25. Thumbs up! Your friend will be very happy about it!

    Stopping by from Orange You Glad It'd Friday- hope you can stop by.

  26. Beautiful - and so thoughtful. A lovely piece of work!


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