
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Taking Time for Fibre Art

In addition to all of the art journalling I've been doing lately, my other passion is to 'doodle' with my sewing machine.  I started this piece almost two years ago when my friend Heather gave me an intriquing piece of silk.

I have been working on it slowly, adding hours of hand stitch as I showed in this previous post.  I'm still not exactly sure where this piece is taking me, but I knew that the next step was to add some free motion quilting of these fun little 'pebbles' to fill in the areas that didn't have any dye on them, and therefore didn't get hand stitched.

I love how the machine work flattens the areas between the hand stitch, allowing the hand stitched areas to come to the forefront.

With this step done, I now continue to look at the piece waiting for it to give me some idea of what is to come next...


  1. Very pretty! Once that is done it needs to go on a wall so others can see it. The colors and textures are really pretty.

    1. Thanks Debby. It's a piece that will be in a few fibre art shows in various venues over the next year.

  2. I 'm just fascinated with your courage in working on this piece and the trust you have in its completion. You inspire me. And I;m inspired to practice more my free motion quilting by your decisive choices for ths piece. Hope you show the finished product here too.

    1. Thank you Dee. I certainly will post about it here when I finish it. Have fun with your free motion quilting.

  3. Love the way your piece is evolving almost organically,beautiful textures and colours.

    1. Thanks Morag. It's been really fun to just let the piece 'tell me' the direction I should take it.

    2. I see a map - a relief map. You could embroider on place names, have lakes and mountains - your own fantasy world. :o)


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