
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Puppy Love...

Last spring, our neigbours got Buddy, a Shih Tze puppy.  From the first day they got him, as they tried to walk past our back yard (we're on a corner lot), Buddy saw Casey and just walk in through our fence to visit with her.  It was love at first sight for all of us!  Casey was about to turn 12, a senior for a dog her size, and here was this tiny puppy that just wanted to jump up on her and give her adorable!

As you can see in the top left image, Casey was quick to get in on the pouncing fun.  Although we certainly see signs of her age at times, when Buddy's around Casey just becomes like an over grown puppy herself.  It's so fun to watch them wrestle and play and I really think he helps to keep her young.  However, notice the very centre image...that's Casey's way of imposing a short break to get a little rest.  Has she captured an adorable little sleep toy or what!

These days its a bit of a tight squeeze for Buddy to get through the fence, but they still play regularly, and right now they are loving the snow!

This photo collage was creating using the print module in Lightroom 4.  I then exported it to  PSE 11 where I added a subtle soft texture called Cora, by Kim Klassen, at a soft light blend mode and lowered the opacity.  I put a layer of the digital scrapbook paper with the musical notes over the lower part only, and again lowered the opacity to allow the text to show through.  The final step was to use a variety of heart brushes to stamp on the little hearts on the last image as well as over the text area.  Love is in the air...


  1. Perfect for Valentine's Week! This world would not be nearly as delightful if it weren't for dogs.

    1. Thanks. I can't agree with you enough! Have a wonderful week!

  2. They're so sweet! It warms my heart to see them today. Thanks. :)

    1. Thanks. They're so much fun when they're together.

  3. so lovely! love you collage, love your puppies
    Seen at Kent Weakley

  4. Who could resist all this cuteness? Great photos and arrangement.

    1. Thanks Stephanie. They are adorable aren't they :o)

  5. who could not love those puppies - so cute!

    1. Thanks Pat. They are adorable together aren't they. Classic Spring/Winter romance that works!

  6. Happy valentines to all...perfect series for the week!

  7. Love your collage and your story is precious!

  8. This is so, so sweet! Really made me smile! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Barbara. So glad to be able to provide a smile today. Hope you have lots more this week!

  9. Linda beautiful lovely dogs and I love the idea of scrapbook paper...

    1. Thanks Viv. Yes, I just use the digital scrapbook paper as you would a texture. It works great.

  10. I am a dog lover and these images just warms my heart.
    (blog hopping from TT)

    1. Thanks Gracie. They are pretty adorable together (or for that matter apart...).

  11. Thanks Gary. Hope Boomer liked it too :o)

  12. The best part of canines, they do not know the "age" of the other, like kids do. These are adorable Linda!!

  13. Adorable Linda. My parents had a shih tsu named Fergie and she was their first grandchild. :)

    1. Thanks Nancy. That's pretty funny about Fergie :o)

  14. So sweet, our red heeler pup play with our 12 year old lab mix like a house of fire. Usually Philo drags Ryder around on a dog bed! So good to see your older PUP looking so young again. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. Those rides on the dog bed sound hilarious!

  15. Awe... they make me want to rush in and hug them both -- wonderful image..
    Clear and clean -- and the words are prefect..

    1. Thanks. I'm sure they'd both enjoy your hugs! Have a great week.

  16. These pictures are adorable (well, actually the dogs are adorable!) and just perfect for Valentine's week. The center photo is my absolute favorite, so cute! Thank you for sharing these images, they brought a happy smile to my face.

    1. Thanks Carola. So glad you got a smile from them. I love that shot of Casey hugging Buddy too.

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks Roberta. You can just imagine how cute these two are together in person. Have a wonderful week.

  18. Love, love, love these photos! Your Casey is a beauty, and the puppy looks like a wind-up toy. So cute! Perfect for Valentine's week!

    1. Thanks Sharon. Funny you say that because when Buddy was a puppy (as you see in these shots) we all used to talk about how much he looked like a little stuffed toy. He's still cute, but as a puppy he was down right adorable!

  19. Oh my goodness! Aren't they having fun!! Cute take on TT!

    1. Thank you Julie. They do have a lot of fun together.

  20. Awww... that is so adorable! There's always that special feeling when it's truly genuine and their own choice... we had a similar thing at my parents' with a kitten who just marched in and decided that their grown tom was to be his friend and mentor... And he complied! Heart-warming images, beautifully composed and edited - thank you!

    1. Thanks Anna. And thanks for sharing the story of the kitten. We've got a cat too, and I'm just a sucker for pretty much all animals so I love to hear stories like this.

  21. Such a heatwarming piece....perfect for Valentine's day. Nothing much beats a good friend you can ruffhouse a bit with. ;)

    1. Thanks Kris. These two certainly love to ruffhouse!

  22. oh how wondrous, Linda!! I love this especially much BEcause Gracie had a similar friendship with Heidi, a miniature dachshund, where we lived briefly in 2008-2009. they would meet up in "potty park" and play, wrestle, and chase til they were worn out OR my friend, Heidi's person, Elizabeth, who is in an electric chair, and I would "round the camp" with them 3 or 4 times [essentially we called it walking and rolling]. it was always so funny, Gracie's "latte lips" which she gets whenever happy, were Heidi's "job" to clean off and I have several shots like your last one where she is DOing her "job."

    Elizabeth's husband died in November of 2008, and she, too, was moving at the same time Gracie & I moved back to the East after 26 years. Gracie is VERY friendly with people, but a little more cautious when BEfriending dogs. However she did NOT miss a beat making fast friends with Heidi, and it was nice for me, too, to have Elizabeth's friendship during that time of us both in transitions.

    Your mosaic/collage here is just deLIGHTfull!! It makes my heart smile.

    1. Thanks so much Currie. I love reading your story of Gracie, Heidi, Elizabeth and you. I'm sure all four of you missed each other terribly after the move.

  23. Such a cute collage, reminds me of when we got a toy puppy poodle for my mom and I kept her while we got her potty trained (I have a 75 lb. standard poodle) made for some very interesting play time! haha

    1. That would have been a sight to see. Talk about extremes. I bet the toy breeds make for pretty small puppies. I met someone last year that had a 'teacup' poodle (it was just over a pound full grown) and it looked more like a charm of the end of a long key chain that a dog on a leash. LOL

  24. Awww...they are both just adorable dogs. Your collage is really great and shows the sweet bond these two have beautifully.

    1. Thanks so much Ida. They are a wonderful pair of friends.

  25. A couple of sweet dogs! I love these pictures. They remind me of the way our Great Pyrenees and beagle puppy used to play together.

    1. Thank you Pat. I'm so glad this brought back some wonderful memories for you!

  26. this is very sweet!!!


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