
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Working Upside Down...

The entire time I was working on this piece, I had it in this orientation, from the initial layout, through the machine stitching and while I was working on adding the hand stitching.  Even when I mounted it on the canvas...


And then this morning, when I tried to hang it up on the wall, it told me I had it wrong.  Don't you love how clever it is to know which way it's to be hung!


  1. Now it's a path leading into the picture! What a difference in composition! I've had that happen with paintings before....

    1. Yes, that's how I see it. Almost a little abstract landscape... Thanks for your comment Jean. Have a great weekend.

  2. Yep, I do agree. The turn is a more pleasant perspective and who knows why. It just is. enJOYed!

    1. Thanks Joy. Funny how it worked out. It certainly looks 'right' in it's new orientation!


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