
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What a Day!

If you saw my previous post, you know I have computer gremlins and some strange things have been going on.  All of the images on my blog disappeared, to be replaced by a black circle with a minus sigh!  I've been working to restore some and try to figure out what's happening, but it's time for a little 'zen photo time'.

Sometimes the stars are aligned since this week is an 'anything goes' week over at Texture Tuesday and I'm certainly not up for the challenge of a theme right now.

I took this shot in July, while kayaking at our cottage.  I just loved the beautiful red of that new leaf sprouting out of the driftwood.  Hard to imagine that Mother Nature chose to start a new tree right there...

And now I'm off to follow Casey's lead and just go and relax!  The fight with the gremlins will have to continue tomorrow...


  1. Hi I am new here, sorry with your experience, once my blog was blocked and I almost expired too! haha. That first photo is so lovely, i don't let something like this pass unshot too! It is always an epitome of persistence, hope, positivism, etc, etc!

    1. Thanks Andrea, and welcome. I like your perspective on that first photo. How true!

  2. love these, Linda. sorry you're having difficulties. BEautimous shot of Casey.

  3. Nasty computer gremlins!! Gorgeous pictures! Your pup seems so sweet!

    1. Thanks Tamar. Casey is a wonderful dog. She's 12 yrs. old but hasn't realized it yet. :o)

  4. Very interesting photos! Very! Good work!

    come on over to and see what you think. I'd love you to follow me. I'm #27 at the hop, too. Thank you!

  5. Beautiful capture here! And good luck with your computer, anything like that leaves me with such an uneasy feeling until all is right with the world again. Wish I didn't get so bothered by those things, but glad you have a sweet 4-legged friend to model proper relaxation to you! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Suzanne. Yes, Casey is an excellent role model but I'm more like you and this computer mess is making me crazy(ier)!

  6. Love the top photo, but the dog is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. Good luck with the computer hope all gets sorted out!

    1. Thanks Mitzi. She truly is a beautiful soul...12 yrs. old and still my 'puppy'!

  7. Wonderful photos..... love the first shot!

  8. Oh - I can feel the frustration. Hope the gremlins go away and that all your gorgeous photos are found. Since there seem to be 'lines' in everything, your lovely photograph fits the theme at PAF. Love the lines of the tiny stems and in the grain of the wood.

    Casey looks like the perfect zen master and reminds me of our beloved golden who died eight years ago.

    Hang on!

    1. Thanks so much Bonnie! Funny, I hadn't looked at all the lines until you pointed them out.

  9. sorry to hear about your problems. I hope everything will get to normal and it's just a temporary.
    You did the right thing following your dog relaxing attitude!! Such a smart dog ;)

  10. Very lovely photo of the tree growing from the wood. Such pretty bright color.
    Your dog looks so peaceful.
    I hope your computer woes are soon resolved.

    1. Thanks Ida. I've got my fingers crossed that all those lost images magically reappear...'sigh'

  11. Beautiful lines here. the wood and the stems, gorgeous. I hope you manage to sort those gremlins out soon.

    1. Thanks Miriam. I might just have to resign myself to the fact that those older blog post photos seem to be gone...'sigh'

  12. Both are very sweet images!

  13. Beautiful shots. It's always a surprise where plants found a place to grow.

    1. Thank you Birgit. We think that often up at the cottage where trees seem to grow out of rocks without any soil!


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