
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pink Passion...

This beautiful ATC, called "Pink Passion", arrived in my mailbox today.  It was made by Robbin Neff.  If you want to see more of her ATCs, click on her name to see her blog.  I've actually linked to the post about this particular ATC, but you'll be able to explore further from there.
Robbin and I participated in an ATC swap organized by Lisa Fulmer, but sadly Lisa has decided that she's got too many other things going on so she won't be doing any more of these swaps.  Thanks for doing it while you could Lisa.  It was fun and I appreciate all of your time and organization.  
Maybe I'll have to think about picking up the ball...??? 


  1. I love pink! :) I've never used fabric for my atc's. Looks awesome!

    1. As a fibre artist all of my ATCs involve fabric/fibres of some sort. I guess we use the medium were used to working with. Robbin did a beautiful job on this one.

  2. If you do "pick up the ball," I would love to participate!

  3. Wow, this is so beautiful...I've never participated in ATC swaps, but I hear so much about them. Receiving something this lovely in my mailbox would make my day, so I get the allure! :)

    1. Yes Sherri, it is fun to get these little treasures in the mail. Best of all, once you send yours off you sort of forget about them in the day to day routine, so when you find one it the mail it's always a bit of a pleasant surprise.


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