
Monday, October 15, 2012

Look Up...Way Up...

Kim's challenge this week for Texture Tuesday was to have us looking up.  This is the perfect time of year for this as the colours in the autumn trees are spectacular!  I added three of Kim's textures to this image: Just Stitched, Trust, and Warm Sun.  I love that bit of zigzag 'stitching' at the sides. I brushed away some of the texture from the centre of the image so that the colours of the leaves were a little more intense in the centre.  

This next image, of my dog Casey snoozing on the dock, was taken a couple of weeks ago, the day before we closed up the cottage.  Bonnie's challenge for Photo Art Friday was to use her Leafy Landscape texture to create our 'photoartography' (that's my new word for today...Have you read the book Frindle?...just saying...).  I started by adding a gradient map to take the original image to black and white.  After adding the texture, I added a 'sponge' filter and bumped up the hue/saturation levels. 

Notice my signature?  That's another neat trick Kim taught us in Beyond Layers!  And, I just found out that Kim is starting the third session in January!  I highly recommend it if you want to learn more about how to use Photoshop Elements or CS!

These photos are being linked to Our World TuesdayTexture TuesdaySweet Shot TuesdayPhoto Show Off This or That ThursdaysPhoto Art FridayShoot, Edit, SubmitFabulous Friday, and Photo Friday Link Party.


  1. Beautiful textures, especially that of your dog, Casey.

  2. Lovely processing -- I really enjoy what you did here --

  3. Beautiful colors in autumn light composition, delightful photos.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Pat. I see great minds think alike...looking up into the trees and the beautiful fall colours.

  5. Casey snoozing is a keeper! Your texture work on the photos is lovely.

    1. Thanks Barb. She is pretty adorable and that texture just makes the image.

  6. Been wandering around your blog and see that we both enJOY fabric and photography. Joining!

    1. Thanks Joy. I send a link to your post about purse skirts to a friend of mine who we affectionately call 'The Bag Lady' because she's always making bags and purses.

  7. It is amazing to me all the effects that can be accomplished using photoshop! Most of my blog's photography is unaltered but I'd love to get thsi program and play around with some images one dau int he future.

    I also looked at your new craft room in the prior post. What a pretty and enjoyable place you've made it, Linda!

    1. Thanks Pat. If you do get Photoshop Elements, check out Kim Klassen's site. She offers a 'Skinny Mini' course for free and has other great classes that teach you so many wonderful tricks with the software.

  8. Oh your firts photo is so wonderful, so many lovely colors in one spot! And the texture was perfect with it.

    1. Thanks Kim. The fall colours up north were spectacular this year.

  9. Wow, beautiful trees, but I'm really intrigued with your art work in the image of your sweet dog. I guess I should think about Kim's class. I'm signed up to take her Lightroom class next.

    1. Thanks Marilyn. I certainly have learned a lot from Kim. I highly recommend Beyond Layers. It's a year of learning at a perfect pace! Fun and informative.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamar. She really is. She's 12 yrs old and in perfect health too. A real blessing for a dog her age!

  11. Love that image of Casey, they look very happy there!

  12. Nice work, Linda! Love the quote you used. Your "look up" photo reminded me of a photo I took years ago in AZ pine country and has inspired me to find it and see what I can do for Kim's challenge! Great job with your signature and Bonnie's challenge, too!

    1. Thanks June. I'm glad it reminded you of one of your photos. Have fun playing with it for the challenges.

  13. Casey looks so peaceful! Love the processing you've done on that picture but honestly the original is just beautiful!

    1. Thanks Ewa. Yes, the original, taken on a perfect fall day is very nice too. I love the clouds in that shot.

  14. I like both of these. The fall colors in your 1st piece are spectacular.
    Your dog looks so cozy and sweet in the 2nd piece. Well done.

    1. Thanks Ida. She is such a great dog. That shot is truly her, just so calm and serene!

  15. Ahhhh - she looks so content under the leaves from the texture, Linda. Beautifully composed.

    1. Thanks Bonnie. Love that texture. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love Casey and he looks so at home in the setting you provided. Very clever. I'm afraid to take the course because I really haven't even got to the first step in PS yet:(

    1. Casey loves the cottage. Her favourite places to nap are on the dock or the deck, overlooking the lake.

      As for PS, you have nothing to fear Lizbeth. Kim Klassen offers a free 'Skinny Mini' workshop that is a great place to start. I also took 'Photoshop The Essentials' and I'm now enjoying the year long 'Beyond Layers', all of which I would recommend.

  17. there is so much to BE in awe of here, Linda!! thank you for such wonderful stuff. I like to make up words, mayBE you've noticed ;~D and then just treat them like regular words!!

    I would love a nap on the dock about Now!!!

    1. Thanks Currie. I hope you have a very warm sleeping bag...that nap of the dock will be chilly this time of year.

  18. I just love the picture of your dog napping!


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