
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fibre Content

I'm excited to announce that three of my pieces have been accepted into the "Fibre Content" show. It's a juried show of 100% fibre art. For more details, check out the web page:

I hope some of you will be able to see the show!


  1. How exciting that is! Many congratulations and good luck with the show!

    1. Thank you Elise. I think it will be a wonderful show, dedicated solely to fibre arts.

  2. The fibre art show is Oct 27 & 28th so if there's any chance you'll be down in the Burlington, ON area, you can still see it. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Diane. I hope you'll be able to maki it to the show.

  4. Congratulations Linda! This is wonderful news! Your work is so beautiful. Do you bring something you have already created, or are you making something new for the show? If I lived closer, I would love to see it. I'll stay posted online though. All the best. You'll do great! xx Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. The three pieces that were accepted for the show are done. That's how a juried show works. You submit two photos of each piece, one of the whole piece and then a detailed close-up shot of a specific part you want the jurers to look at. The jurers are usually well know artists in the field (in this case fibre arts) who know what to look for in a good piece of art.


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