
Friday, August 24, 2012

Bead Journal Project: July

I'm still trying to get caught up with my Bead Journal Project pieces by it seems a bit of a loosing battle.  I did finish July a few days ago, but I haven't started August and September is fast approaching!  Oh well!!!

I've included the colour palette from Vicki Welsh that is my inspiration for colour.  

Here's the finished piece, and below is a close up of the centre 'bead'.  Since I spent a lot of July photographing the many variety of birds the visit us at our cottage feeders, I thought this was an appropriate centre piece.


  1. Oh wow! That is beautiful! I also admire your strict dedication to the palette. :-)

  2. I do love solid beading. The zingy colours of this piece make me think of acid drop sweets and my mouth waters. I'm looking forward to seeing it added to your spiral.

    Have found and enjoyed the beautiful bird photos taken at your cottage, but my favourite ones are the squirrel & racoon. We're due for another litter of grey squirrel kits in the chimney pot before too long. I just wish they behaved themselves a bit better - not the gardener's friends!

  3. this is beautiful. You're so talented, Linda!

  4. I love the way this project is going. Be proud of yourself that you're only one month behind! Look forward to seeing the progress with the spiral. Those candies wouldn't last long on my table....

    1. Thanks Jean. I'll start the August piece today so I should be able to get back on track soon. And the candy barely made the shot before they were gone! Serios sweet tooth especially for peanut M & Ms. 😜

  5. WOWZERS this is amazing! Love the colors and textures!

    1. Thank you! although I'm behind, it is a fun project.

  6. I like. Fascinating how different we both were using that color palette challenge, don't you think?

    Carol H in Ohio

    1. Thank you Carol. Unfortunately I can't seem to get in to see yours.

  7. Linda... right down to your color-way inspiration...M & Ms and all... jazzy, hot, fun, pretty, exciting, expansive, bird energy. I love it! Do you recall where you got the silver center piece? I'd give a few eye teeth for one (or more) of them. I'm looking forward to seeing the pieces together!

    1. Thank you Robin! That bird piece came from a shop in Oakville, Ontario. There website is

  8. Such beautiful beading! You aren't far behind. This spiral is going to be a real show piece!

    1. Thanks Connie. I'm making good progress on the August piece so I just might be caught up soon!


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