
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Judy Makinson

My friend Judy Makinson has recently joined the blogging world. She's a prolific fibre artist and quilter who is closely related to the Everready Rabbit. We're always amazed at how much she accomplishes and her art is outstanding!  You can see her blog here or by clicking on her name.

The photo here is Judy's profile pic, and part of an amazing self portrait piece she did a few years ago.  It's incredible!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cottage Creatures

I've been taking a lot of wildlife shots over the summer and I thought I'd share a few more.  It's really incredible to see all of these wonderful animals, either right near our cottage, or on our boat rides on the lake.  We are so fortunate. 'sigh'

The hungry baby Robins.  This nest was at the back door of our friend's cottage, on their electric meter.

Momma Robin
A snapping turtle sunning on a hot day.

A baby loon stretching his wings.

Young loons with a parent (not sure if this is Momma or Poppa).  The little ones are a few weeks old now.

The young loon is getting bigger.  In this photo it's about a month or so old.
Feeding time: the young loon is eating a fish!
Young loon continues to grow and is beginning to take on the light colouring of the adult's
winter coat which it will keep until it darken to black next spring.
Gull, dreaming of Egypt
A rabbit getting a drink in the lake.
We saw this beaver eating the bark of this birch for about a week straight.
Every evening around 7:30 he'd be out there eating.
Dragonfly along for a boat ride.
A dock spider that's hitched a ride in the back of the boat.
These photos are being linked to Photo Show OffTexture TuesdaySweet Shot TuesdayOur World TuesdayThis or That Thursdays, Shoot, Edit, SubmitFabulous Friday and Photo Friday Link Party.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Making Journal Covers

Over the last little while I've been making a variety of journal covers.  Some fit over standard composition books and others are a bit smaller and fit over some hard cover journals I found recently.



Each member of my fibre art group, GOE, is going to make three journals to be donated to a women's shelter in our area as an outreach program so that we can give something back to our community.  It is our hope that these journals will brighten the women's day while giving them a special journal to record thoughts and feelings as they bravely begin a new chapter in their lives.

Here are some of the journals I have made.  Three will be donated and the others will be available at Windows to the North Gallery.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fibre Content

I'm excited to announce that three of my pieces have been accepted into the "Fibre Content" show. It's a juried show of 100% fibre art. For more details, check out the web page:

I hope some of you will be able to see the show!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bead Journal Project: July

I'm still trying to get caught up with my Bead Journal Project pieces by it seems a bit of a loosing battle.  I did finish July a few days ago, but I haven't started August and September is fast approaching!  Oh well!!!

I've included the colour palette from Vicki Welsh that is my inspiration for colour.  

Here's the finished piece, and below is a close up of the centre 'bead'.  Since I spent a lot of July photographing the many variety of birds the visit us at our cottage feeders, I thought this was an appropriate centre piece.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Vintage Fun

This week I've been playing around with some vintage looks in my photos.  The first is a shot of an old Underwood typewriter I took at the Sundridge pioneer log cabin.
Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
I've added some layers of textures, including some with text, using some of the ideas I've learned in Kim Klassen's Beyond Layers.

This second shot was taken a couple of years ago in a bakery in Guelph.

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Looking Down The Chipmunk Hole

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
Today's photo is a silly bit of Photoshop play.  I took a photo of this little guy's hole, where he's been taking all of the peanuts that he comes and gets from my hand when he climbs up on my lap.  Using Photoshop, I played around with the blend mode, changing it to 'exclusion', to get all of these fun colours.  I especially like the wonderful blue lines which are little tree roots.  I then took a photo of the chipmunk and cut out the selection I wanted so that I could have it coming up out of the hole.  I then added a layer of Kim Klassen's texture, kk_peacetexture, at softlight 100%, which brightened the whole thing up a bit.   

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bead Journal Project: June

Well, I know it's actually the middle of August, but I finally finished the June BJP piece!  (insert sheepish grin...).  As always, the colour inspiration came from Vicki Welsh's Colour Palette Challenge. 
June's piece includes a few more literal symbols than I usually use, but it was a lot of fun to create. My husband, Bill, and I went on an RV camping trip to Northern Indiana for a week and while there I found that cute little truck so I just had to make an RV to go behind it.  We also saw some amazing quilt block gardens in which flowers were planted in quilt block patterns.  Very unique idea.  My son's birthday is on the 23rd of the month, thus the larger pink/red beads.  I wasn't really too excited about all the pink in this colour palette, but I'm happy with the results.

And here's the growing spiral, January through June.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Poppa's Gift

We are so fortunate to see the wonderful things we see at our cottage.  Today, I'm sharing a photo of a male Grosbeak feeding one of it's young.  The young sit up in the tree and cry, waiting for poppa to come up and feed them the sunflower seeds he gets from our feeder. It's interesting to note that we have only every seen the male doing the feedings.  Also, you can see that the young are as big as he is.  Perhaps it's time for them to start visiting the feeder themselves.

This photo is being linked to Photo Show OffTexture TuesdaySweet Shot TuesdayOur World TuesdayThis or That ThursdaysPhoto Art FridayShoot, Edit, SubmitFabulous Friday and Photo Friday Link Party.