
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Texture Tuesday: Pink

For this weeks Texture Tuesday photo, I was having some fun playing with hue/saturation.  The theme was pink and I didn't have a great subject for pink, but I had just taken this photo of old bottles and I just love them.  Although their original colour is wonderful, I decided to play with them and make them fit the 'pink' theme.  :o)

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
After doing the hue/saturation adjustments, and a bit of a levels adjustment, I added Kim's 'dustyrose' texture a couple of times (see to the left for blend modes and opacity).  What better than a pink texture to work into this week's theme!

If you haven't signed up for Kim Klassen's "Texture Lovin' List" yet, what are you waiting for?  Kim generously provides download links to wonderful and free textures every week!  Just click here and sign up (the box is near the top right of the page).


  1. That is a lot of Pretty Pink!!! Great processing it looks like they should be pink already! Love it.

    1. Thanks Heather. Playing with the hue/saturation adjustment can be a lot of fun. I also like how Kim's texture cleaned up what you could see outside the window.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. I wouldn't have thought of it without Kim's Texture Tuesday prompt, but it sure was fun to play with the colour!

  3. Beautiful how you turned them pink:)

    1. Thanks Leah. I've always loved collections of old dusty bottles like that and playing with hue/saturation is just plain fun!

  4. The various shapes and sizes of the bottles add plenty of interest and then the pink processing takes the photo over the top!

    1. Thanks Teresa. Always good to hear what others think about my play therapy. LOL

  5. Wonderful edit! Now if I could only quilt. Well, I am starting with a small art piece.....any day now. LOL

    1. Thanks Marilyn. You've got me curious about your 'small art piece'. As for the quilting, try it and just have fun playing (don't let the 'quilt police' intimidate you-no rules!).

  6. I'm taking Kim's mini beginning workshop. Oh, I have SO much to learn! Nice job getting in the pink!

    1. That's a great course. That's how I first started using Photoshop effectively. I had had PS Elements version 1 and then upgraded to version 9 and there had been huge differences. The free Skinny Mini course was awesome. If you can afford it, the Elements class is really good too. It will just take you so much farther. Thanks for stopping by my blog and have fun with your own photography adventures.


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