
Friday, March 30, 2012

Creating Subtle Frames

After watching Kim Klassen's latest video tutorial in Beyond Layers, I've been experimenting with creating subtle frames around photos.  In the past I've achieved this look with a few of Kim's textures, which have the frame already 'built in' for lack of a better term, but using the new skills I've learned, I can now add frames to any photo, regardless of the textures I apply (if I apply one at all).  [BTW, Kim's starting a second round of Beyond Layers on April 16th if you're interested in signing up.]

This first photo is of a frog I met while cycling last summer (he's also featured in my blog banner).  It's a good thing he was on a very quiet country road, because I got down on my knees and had my iPhone right on the road to take this shot. :o)  After I photographed him I moved him to the side of the road (beside the river that I hoped he was trying to get to).

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
This second image was taken in an antique market.  What a great place to wander about and take pictures!

Mouse over photo to see the 'before' image.
Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Lovely, beautifully textured and framed !
    Kim's Beyond Layers is great, isn't it !
    Nice weekend,

    1. Thanks Sylvia. I'm certainly enjoying Beyond Layers. It's great to get new ideas and challenges.

  2. Really lovely. Visiting from Beyond Layers.

  3. Love your work - I'm following your blog now. I was also an art quilter for many years. I love painting and mixed media, but I think I'm most drawn to photography. I also use Photoshop all the time. And frogs are definitely my favorite critter! I'd say we have a fair bit in common.

    1. Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower. It's always great to make new cyber friends and as you say, we certainly have a lot in common.

  4. I checked out Beyond Layers, and just signed up. :o) I've been wanting to find something like this. Thanks for mentioning it.

    1. That's great. You'll love it. If you haven't done Kim's free 'Skinny Mini' course you might want to sign up for that some time too (although you may already know enough about Photoshop without it). That course was the one that helped me when I upgraded from Photoshop Elements first version to Elements 9 (big leap and a lot of changes so Kim's tutorial was super helpful).


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