
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Art is the Answer

 I'm still working on my final journal for my Letter Love 101 class.  Joanne wanted us to do a page with this particular quote, and I decided that since it summed up the class so well I'd put it on the back cover.
Because I love using recycled book pages to achieve that extra layer of text and texture, I wrote the quote on a piece of such paper which I had first painted using watercolours.

I'm especially excited about the flower petals on this piece. Months ago I had used round stickers (cut from a sheet of address labels, using a circle punch ) as masks on fabric when I was doing some surface design.  I loved the random colour that ended up on the paper circles so I stuck them to a piece of freezer paper to keep them for "some future project".  We'll, that day had come! I added a bit of sketching with a Pitt pen to draw in the leaves and stems.
This wonderful quote came from Pippa, one of my Letter Love classmates (and a new follower of my blog).  Thanks Pippa.  I love it.

Take a look at the second line of text on this page.    I had made a mistake so I covered it with another piece of that painted, recycled book and rewrote the words.  When an eraser won't work, figure something else out. There's always a way to 'fix' a problem!  And, because I can't let anything go, the grid lines on this page are the tiny bits of torn off paper left because I had wanted torn edges on the page in yesterday's post.

Thanks for your visit today.


  1. I really like the flowers and colors you used in the top photos. I've been enjoying watching your Letter Love works of art.

    1. Thanks so much Terri. It's been a really fun course!

  2. another amazing piece of work it. Hey, are you going to be taking Joanne's alphabet class? hope to see ya there!

    1. Absolutely! I signed up at 12:01 (immediately after she posted it LOL). Thanks for the compliment on my work and I'll 'see' you in the next class. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Super composition with the background print page, really cool flower petals, etc; it really is a fabulous back cover! Great quotes too!

    1. Thanks Gina! Have you entered the give-away I'm hosting?

  4. hey Linda.....just wanted to let you know I have finally started a blog of my's in the infant stages but it's a start. Nothing as wonderful as yours ( but i will be working on it!
    hope it let me know.
    still trying to get my lessons done! I KNOW....i KNOW...i'm getting there! hope all is well!

    1. That's great! I'll check it out once I'm home in a few days. Too hard to see things well on my iPhone. Old eyes. LOL


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