
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

10 Truths About Me

In Beyond Layers, Kim has challenged us to share '10 Truths' about ourselves.  What a perfect fit for the Letter Loved journal.  Here are 10 truths about me:

 1.  I am married to the most amazing man! So true.  He is loving, thoughtful, considerate, supportive, understanding...the list goes on.  I am truly blessed!

2. I am committed to doing art every day.  Whether it is a long time in the studio or a few minutes in a journal, this is my personal happy place.

3. I am incredibly proud of my son and the man he has become.  Sure, there are still moments when he makes me crazy, but he is truly wonderful. 'sigh'

4. I am passionate about my art.  (see #3) Whether it is fibre art, journalling, beading, art brings me joy and allows me to focus on all the positive things in my life.

5. I am a bit of a loner... I like quiet... I find it challenging to interact with others.  (see #2, #4, #6, #9, #10) I am comfortable in my own company and sometimes crave 'alone' time to help me heal.

6. I am an avid reader... hooked on my iPhone Kindle app. Who ever thought you could carry an entire  library in your pocket?  Heard about a new book that you want to read?  There's also a huge bookstore in my pocket that delivers in seconds no matter where I am.  And I can read the first chapter for free to make sure I really want to buy the book!  Awesome!!!

7. I love my coffee and my amazing husband's thoughtfulness in bringing it to me every morning. (see # 1) What more can I say?

8. I have just learned how to bake my own gluten free bread. Fresh, hot from the oven breads that don't leave me in excruciating pain.  And the variety is endless:  breads with nuts and seeds; classic French bread; sourdough... (If you're on a gluten free diet, check out Bette Hagman's Gluten Free Gourmet Bakes) [Thanks Sue and Kay for telling me about this great resource!]

9. I love to cycle (30 km/day ideally).  (See #5 and #10) Cycling helps me heal body and mind.  When I can't cycle outside I use my trainer indoors.  Talk about going nowhere fast! LOL)

10. I struggle with depression and work hard to see the JOY in life. (See #2, #5, and #9) And I struggle with the stigma of admitting this fact but know that we all have to see it for what it is - a physical illness (because the brain is part of my physical being!).

Bonus:  To quote Joanne Sharpe, "I am a letter dork".  And I'm proud of it!!!


  1. Love reading about your truths! Wow! And your pages are wonderful, you ole letter dork!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. As a kid, being called a dork would have really hurt, but I am now proud to wear the label :o)
      Thanks for visiting and for your kind words. Hope you come back to visit soon.

  2. Thanks for share these truths about yourself. I can relate to many of them as well. Your class with Kim looks so interesting I wish I had signed up. Next time.

  3. thank you for sharing your truths, it's tough to do sometimes. I have enjoyed all your posts over at letter Love on FB and hope we can keep in contact thru that and blogs. Take care. L

    1. Thanks Lori. Yes it is tough but also cathartic. I'm loving the new found connections with the Letter Love group and certainly plan to stay in touch. Thanks for visiting.

  4. The silver lining to your depression must be the way you are facing it so positively. Without the tough times you might not have been driven to create such an amazing amount of inspiring art work. Get well soon, but keep on producing beautiful things for us all to enjoy.

    1. Thanks April. And yes, my 'Art Every Day' motto has certainly helped. Thanks for dropping by and for the supportive words. :o)

  5. thanks for sharing your truths...your art work is very inspiring!! each day is just one moment at a time...that's the best we can hope for!!

    1. Thanks for visiting. Did you see the post about the give-away?

      Good Luck!


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