
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Surface Design

For the last couple of days I've been hanging out with my friends Heather and Ann and we've been playing with surface design.  Using acrylic paint, some fabric medium, various textured surfaces and stamps, we changed plain white fabric into fun fabrics that will eventually be used in our fibre art.  I forgot to take my camera, so I've only got pictures of the pieces I made, but you'll see the variety of wonderful textures and patterns that are possible.  All were over printed, meaning that the entire surface was printed once, then printed over top using another pattern or colour or both.  The first (black and white) is white cotton velvet.  All others are cotton broadcloth or sheeting.

purple paint (stamp), layered with 
blue texture (dimensional paint 
corrugated cardboard, bubble wrap 
and a texture made using 
dimensional paint

texture made using dimensional 

one stamp used with green paint, 
a second stamp using blue

one stamp used with green paint,
then repeated using blue paint

corrugated cardboard used as a

same fern stamp over printed 
with 3 different colours - notice 
the sample on the right in which 
I then added green

an exemple of going one step too 
far - I wish I had stopped before 
adding the 4th layer (green)

this piece was silk screen printed
a couple of weeks ago and then 
I added the stamps over top of 
the existing print

this is the same stamp used with 
black paint on white fabric and 
then white paint on black fabric
- I love how this looks (keep 
watching in the days to come 
for a piece made with these...)


  1. Wish I could join in, making art and working together...
    Lovely work Linda! <3

    1. Thanks. Yes, it really is a lot of fun 'playing' with friends when doing art like this!


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