
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sketchbook Challenge- May Theme: Can't Resist

Well, this month's theme took me a little longer to do, but I really like the end result.  The theme for May is "Can't Resist".  Chocolate was the first thing that came to mind, but I also wanted to use some sort of 'resist' technique and I wanted to use my sketchbook prior to putting it into Photoshop Elements to digitally alter it.  The list of things you see in white were written with a glue pen (hard to see what you're writing because at that stage the paper is still white!)  I then painted and stamped over that with acrylic paints and finally added more text and doodles with a Micron (01) pen.  In this case, the only digital work was adding the blue text over top of the piece I had done in my sketchbook.

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