
Monday, September 14, 2015

Mixed Feelings...

Hand stitching French knots ad naseam...
I have real mixed feelings as I write today's post. 

When I started writing this blog I was going through some challenges due to my recovery from an accident and the subsequent physical and mental health issues that reared their ugly heads. My daily art time became a lifesaver, in some ways quite literally, and this blog gave me a way to reach out and share what I was doing with ;o)...when I couldn't bring myself to interact with people in a physical sense.  It gave me a connection to the world from the safety of my studio!

A Wafer 'selfie'

A lot of time has passed, and with that has come a lot of healing and acceptance of who I have some ways very much who I was before, and in other ways a very different person.

Happily, I have been in a much better place for quite some time, and I'm back out in the world living life and giving back to others. 

As you know if you've followed my blog for a while, I now foster future dog guide puppies for the Lion's Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.  Wafer, now 8 months old is my third foster puppy and puppy number four is due to be born in around ten days and will come home to me in early November.

Mom and Wafer check out a little black lab
while we stop by Dog Guides to pick up food.
This little one went home with it's
foster family later that same week.
My mom, pictured here the day before her 88th birthday, enjoys the puppies immensely and takes great delight in being able to cuddle the little ones. It was by luck that she got to meet this little fellow since she was in the car with me when I stopped by to pick up some more food for Wafer.

In addition to doing my fibre art and some art journalling, I manage to do an occasional 'traditional' quilt too. This 'I Spy' quilt was made for my niece and her darling little ones. They're now enjoying it both as a game and a quilt to cuddle up with on family movie nights.

Next up is a queen sized quilt for my son to replace the much loved and used quilt he has...the first one I ever made.

The cottage is another great part of what takes up my time. In addition to providing relaxation and time with family and friends...boy did we have a never ending full house this summer :o) also gives me incredible opportunities to teach the puppies. Wafer is fascinated by the chipmunks, and would love to play with them, but she knows that she must "leave it". As you can see, she watches closely while I hand feed them, and they have learned not to worry too much about her either.

I tell you all of this to say that life is great, and busy...and so, I have decided the time has come to let this blog go. This summer was a bit of a test, to see if I could in fact do just that and I found that my need to post regularly is no longer the driving force it once was.

I thank you all for your company over the wouldn't have been the joy it was without knowing you were there to read my posts and share in my art, photography and puppiness! And a special thank you to those of you who regularly left comments. I feel I have made a lot of friends and I will miss that connection.

Having said that, I will continue to be active on Facebook and Instagram, where I will share my art, both in progress and completed work, as well as pictures of my foster puppies.

Thanks for coming along for the ride...
...too cheesy, right...but the sun is setting on my blog journey ;o)


  1. I feel so honoured to have met you here in blogland my fellow Ontarian and have been inspired and cheered by your creative and puppy posts. Enjoy your life and be assured you will still hear from me occasionally through snail mail :).

    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle. I too have enjoyed our connection and will make time to keep up my end of our snail mail contact.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are no longer blogging. Have enjoyed your company. From one Ontario girl to another, I wish you the best. I am not on Facebook any longer so I won't be connecting with you there.

    1. Thanks Robin. I'm sorry we won't cross paths on Facebook, but maybe we'll run into one another at a fibre art show one day. After all, in spite of the size of Ontario, it really is a small world!

  3. Linda I respect your wishes to say goodbye to blogland but will miss your inspirational posts. You have been always amazed me with the quality and frequency of your posts. I struggle with one a week. I am so pleased to have connected with you and wish you well.

    1. Thanks Morag! I'll still be following your work so our connection will not be lost.

  4. i have really enjoyed your blog over the past couple of years but understand this takes up quite a bit of time. glad your life is so full. enjoy your family and animals, those are the best things in life.

    1. Thanks so much Stacey. I will certainly enjoy this wonderful life!

  5. Although we live miles and miles apart I am happy I found your blog and will connect on Facebook. You have been an inspiration to me. Perhaps because of some of the same issues - I didn't know it but could feel it. That sounds sappy but really I have enjoyed it and glad we crossed paths. candy

    1. Thanks Candy. That means a lot and no, it's not sappy. See you on Facebook.

  6. Thank you, Linda
    For inspiring and enlightening me. You have my gratitude and admiration. Go forward in your new endeavors!

    1. Thank you. All of these thoughtful posts have me tearing up today ;o)

  7. Oh Linda! I will miss you and your regular posts! I will look for you on FB and friend you so , I may still ooo and aaa over your gorgeous creations as lovingly view those special pups that you care for. Hugs and best wishes to you always!

  8. Sorry to see you end the blog as I found it only recently but we all move on in one way or another. Will be following on Facebook. Love the puppies and you do an amazing job if you can teach them not to chase the chipmunks. I have personally been trying not to chase too many of my own squirrels but still have trouble.

    1. LOL! Yes, chasing squirrels is a challenge for all of us ;o) Thanks and I'll see you on Facebook.

  9. I wish you well, Linda, in whatever ventures you undertake. I've enjoyed seeing your fiber artwork, and the progress of the puppies. You do such good both areas! I am glad I will still be able to keep up with you on Facebook. And congratulations on "letting go" of something that was no longer in your best interests. Sometimes that is hard to do.

    1. Thanks Barb. Yes, letting go is tricky and reading all of these thoughtful comments is making me second guess myself...but I know the time is right in my heart. See you on Facebook!

  10. Linda, sure have enjoyed your journey and will miss your posts but understand and glad you are moving on. You know you can always come back if needed. Thanks for the inspiration. Lynda at bloombakecreate

  11. Linda, I will miss your blog, although I do see you on FB. I loved seeing all the neat fiber projects you had going on. I've kept up with the puppies and am so happy that you and the LFCGD are able to raise these dogs into incredible heros for those who need them. Thank you for all the time you shared with us. See you on FB.

    1. Thank you Suz. It's so incredibly touching to read all of these comments. And yes, I'll see you on Facebook.

  12. I have enjoyed your blog and all the art activities you do as well as reading about the dogs. Thanks for sharing Linda.

  13. I always love your blog. Glad your life is so full. Enjoy your family and animals, those are the best things in life.


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