
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

All It Needs Is A Name...

It's been almost another month, but this piece is finally finished. I showed you the work in progress here and I've finally finished the last bit of hand stitching. I'd love your suggestions for a name...I'm completely at a loss for what to call it.

It's made entirely from my hand dyed and indigo dyed fabrics and threads (except for the machine thread). I love the contrast of the tight machine quilting and the seed stitches on the background piece.

If you've got an idea for a name, please leave your suggestion in the comments. Thanks!
Here are a few detail shots:


  1. "Weave Me the Sunshine" It's the name of a Peter, Paul and Mary song. I think you'd like the lyrics. Just wanted to say I love looking at your posts and enjoying your beautiful work. Plus everything you write about the dogs. I was sad when Yoshi left.

    1. I like that Jean. I just Googled it and listened to the song. I like the positive, upbeat feeling.

  2. "Community Central" - it reminds me of a community with roads and the round spots being the swimming pools

    1. I see it now that you mention it...a map of sorts.

  3. I immediately thought of a goldfish. “Distinctly Goldfish” or "Goldfish Distinction"

    1. Hahaha...when I first saw your comments I wondered what you were seeing, but then I looked at the piece again and I too see that fish shape. Wow!


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