
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hanging Fibre Art...

Yesterday my friend and I went to see the fibre art show, Edge of The Forest. If you get a chance to see the show, currently at Art Square Gallery in Toronto (until May 4th), it is certainly worthwhile! I was especially taken by the beautiful work of Sheila Thompson. Her stunning felt art pieces are incredible!

The show did leave me wondering about 'traditional galleries' hanging fibre art. As this image shows, the art is hung using the same system that probably works well for framed art, canvases, etc., but I felt it didn't showcase these pieces in the best way.

I know that when I was involved in hanging the Fibre Content shows, those of us hanging the shows were a group of fibre artists (and friends/family) who understood the work and used a variety of means to hang the pieces so that the method chosen suited the particular piece, rather than using one system and trying to make all of the pieces conform to that 'structure'.

I sometimes also notice that attempts are made to hang fibre art pieces using traditional quilt show hanging methods...again, not alway the best way to showcase the work.

What do you think?

As stated above, I think the show is worth seeing, but if you are unable to get out to one the venues, you can also see the work on their site.

I took a few detailed photos of some of the pieces since I was so taken by the beautiful work. No commentary...just enjoy...


  1. Wow ,such fabulous pieces! Linda, so glad you shared this as well as the link- the man in the tree is incredible! hugs to Yoshi! ")

    1. Yes Jackie, there are some incredible pieces in this show. I hope they find move venues across the country in which to show these pieces.

  2. Perhaps using two wires to hang each piece? Or suspending these works a foot from the wall? Maybe it shouldn't all be hung in a straight line? What if one were hung on the wall, then next works progressively further from the wall: 2, 3, 4 feet off?

    Lighting seems to be an issue as well, judging from your photo...but are there specific suggestions that you would make for a better installation of this work?

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes James, the lighting wasn't ideal either. I'm no expert on such things, but I imagine there would be a significant cost to having a really great gallery lighting system. There are so many challenges to hanging a good show.

  3. Thank you Linda for a lovely art tour. Im not sure about the hanging . The pieces look very close to one another. You are right that each fibre piece should be dealt with differently.


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