
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Another Sneak Peek...

Yesterday, while looking for something in my stash, I came across a wonderful piece of hand-dyed fabric I had dyed quite some time ago. And to quote my friend Leah..."SQUIRREL!"

Yup, that which I was working on was forgotten as I started on a completely new piece! The moment I saw that hand-dyed fabric, an idea for something came into mind and I just couldn't let it go.(Partly because Leah's voice was also in my head saying, "One month! One month!" LOL.

Here are a couple of sneak peek images I can share with you so far. I'm off to an encaustic workshop today, so I probably won't have time to work on this piece again this weekend, but hopefully I'll have more to show you soon.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend too...I know I will!


  1. Linda, Can't wait to see this project!

    1. Thanks Lynda. I just wish I could find more time to keep working on it!


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