
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Meet Wafer-Foster Puppy #3

As most of you know, I foster future Dog Guide puppies for the Lion's Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. On February 10th we welcomed home our third foster puppy, Wafer. She is another yellow labrador retriever and she came home on her 7 week 'birthday'. We still have Yoshi, now 9 1/2 months old, and she will likely not be returning to Dog Guide 'University' for her formal training for another month or two. If you'd like to know more about Dog Guides or fostering a future Dog Guide, please click on the above link. Yoshi and Wafer are 2nd cousins.

Getting ready for Wafer's first car ride...she curled up and slept with Yoshi the whole way home!
Yoshi's never far from her new 'little sister'.
Being my first winter baby, I made some sweaters to keep Wafer warm when
I had to take her outside for 'bathroom' chores. This sweater was made using
a free pattern from
Hey Wafer, are you sure you want all of that?
The shirt pictured here is a little 'onesie' that I cut off and hemmed.

Sleeping in her crate with Lampchop.
Wafer's first shopping mall excursion.
Escalators are one of the many things to which future Dog Guides must be exposed.
"Mom, is this the cookie machine Yoshi told me about?" asks Wafer
Sitting pretty!
Napping together.
Yoshi seems to always be close to her new baby 'sister'.
Blowing raspberries on Wafer's belly! Haha

Baby it's cold out here!

More snuggles...Yoshi's sharing her bed with Wafer.
Another shopping mall outing with my Mom, Yoshi and Wafer.
Yoshi tried on her hockey buddies jersey.

Just hanging out...

Thanks Auntie Marilyn for my pretty name tag!
If I try really hard I can jump like a kangaroo!
Getting sleepy...
Yoshi likes to be close, even when Wafer is learning to nap in her crate!


  1. so lovely to see, good work you do..

  2. Oh my goodness, they are so precious! You are doing such a wonderful thing. It would be so hard for me to give them back when it is time. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Thank you Kathy. It is truly the most incredible volunteer work. My only regret is that I didn't start it years ago!

  3. What a truly WONDERFUL thing you do, Linda!
    LOVE seeing the photos of Wafer and Yoshi!! They are both so photogenic! :)

    1. Thanks Mary. I can't think of any volunteer work that would be more satisfying! Just the other day a young man in a wheelchair died because of a fall and this extreme cold and I can't help but think if he had had a dog guide it would have saved his life!

  4. Too adorable for words! I love that you do this, and I love the pictures. It's good you have Wafer before Yoshi has to leave!

    1. Thanks Jean. And yes, I love having a bit of overlap with the two puppies. I think it makes the transition easier for the new puppy and I know it helps me when it's time to send Yoshi off to 'Puppy University'!

  5. Linda what a wonderful thing you are doing. They are adorable. I'm not sure I could pass them on to another owner at the end of the training so I am glad you are doing it.

    1. Thanks Candyce. When you hear the incredible stories of security and independence they provide the clients, it makes it easier to let them go. It's a proud feeling to know you had a part in raising such an incredible animal!

  6. Oh my gosh, the cuteness is killing me!

  7. OMG the pictures are adorable. What an honir to raise these dogs but I know you must think of them often once they are placed

  8. OMGoodness do you know how to get me going!!! I actually keep going back to look at the photos!! Too darn adorable!! Wafer is just a sweet baby and Yoshi couldn't be any cuter as a loving big sister(I know she is not her sister)!!Thanks o much for bringing such huge smiles to my face Linda!!
    And I am loving all off your journal pages- you are on a color wheel!! WOW! ")

    1. Thanks Jackie! In addition to the 'big picture' of the work these pups will grow up to do, I often reflect on the fact that as I walk through malls, stores, etc. these puppies never fail to bring smiles to people's faces. It makes me realize that no matter what these people may be going through or dealing with, we've been able to brighten their day just a little!

  9. OMG how adorable, precious, cute, etc, I have 3 pups myself and would love a few more. How can you foster a sweetheart like Wafer and then have to give her up. You are a saint!

    1. Thanks Suzie. I wish I could share all of the incredible stories that the clients share about how these Guide Dogs bring them independence and security...that is why I do what I do. I love these incredible puppies and then I let them go so they can go on to do bigger and better things! They couldn't make me prouder!

  10. I admire you so much for doing this - I am way too soft hearted and would end up in a heap of tears and heart ache at giving them back no matter how much good I knew they would be used for. Awesome work you are one special lady Karen x

  11. I want to say you one thing that your pet is so cute and pet accessories make him more cute.


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