
Saturday, January 3, 2015

DLP 2015...The Fun Has Begun!

As you know, I don't seem to be in the right mind set these days for my fibre art, but I have been looking forward to the New Year and the start of the Art to the 5th Academy's Documented Life Project 2015!

I have done various forms of art journalling and calendars over the years, and I really like the idea of journalling about the highlights of my day. Whether big or small, I find there is always something good on which to focus.  For example, although yesterday I was feeling terrible and spend the day on the couch due to a nasty cold and sore throat, Yoshi and Yona, my foster pup and her sister, kept coming to check on me and make sure I was okay. They knew something was off and stayed close all day!  

Since I keep my planner on my iPhone in the form of the calendar there which gives me reminders, etc. to keep me organized, this journal will be more of a diary of sorts.

It's not too late to join the fun, and best of all it's FREE!

This week's challenge was to use book paper, so after sectioning off my weekly calendar area with washi tape, on the right, I started gluing down book paper, paper bag bits, a piece of altered sheet music and even the yellow tissue hat out of a Christmas cracker.

Then I got carried away with acrylic paint, scraping it on with an old credit card, using netting and bubble wrap to print, making swirls with a paint pen and even using a small paint brush (I crazy is that!).

I love that the book paper and sheet music still shows through the paint, adding to the wonderful layers.

Next, I pulled out my white pen and started doodling to add some detail to the big flower petals and other areas on the page.
I thought I was done, but after letting it sit for a day I decided to add a quote using more book paper and some rub on letters I had in my stash.  I did have to add a few letters with a black marker because some of the most often used letters were all gone from the sheet.

The best things
in life aren't things

And here's the finished page:


  1. Love this - one day I will have the time to join in with this sort of project - one day...!

  2. Love your page. I am also doing the Documented Life Project this year

  3. That's absolutely gorgeous! You've inspired me to clean up my craft room an dig out the paints.

    1. Thanks Roxi! I'm so glad I've inspired you to play in your studio.

  4. Gorgeous, Linda!
    I'm jumping in, too! :)
    This is so inspiring!

    1. Thanks Mary. I'm missing my connection with all you gals from StencilGirl so this'll give me a bit of painty fun.

  5. Glad your joined this year. I really enjoyed 2014.

    1. I'm sure it'll be a great year Donna. I've been doing art journal calendars of one sort or another for a few years now, so this will just be another format.

  6. Linda What a gorgeous beginning to your journal!! Fun color play!!

    1. Thanks Jackie. I think it'll be a great adventure.

  7. I really enjoyed seeing your progress .. I am doing the Documented Life too and love seeing what everyone makes and creates!!

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying the process. Have fun doing DLP2015 this year!


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