
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Keeping Very Busy...and a Little Sneak Peek...

For those of you who think I may have fallen off the edge of the earth, I've been keeping very busy lately, but unfortunately not much of it has been in my studio.

Yoshi and I have been babysitting Lana, another future dog guide puppy, until a foster home can be found for her. Although Yoshi just turned 6 months old today, she's being a real little momma to Lana!  She's sharing her toys, grooming her and always staying close. Of course there is a lot of puppy play going on too!

A Special Happy 1/2 Birthday Cookie!
Lana, could you eat any slower???

Mom, Yoshi got my head wet!

But, I have managed to do a bit of art.  Here's a sneak peek at a little piece I'm working on during puppy naptime. It currently involves a lot of machine thread stitching and later will have extensive hand stitch added. Hopefully I'll be back in the not too distant future to share my progress.  Until then, have fun and stay busy!


  1. Oh Linda!! You know how I love puppy/Yoshi pictures!!! How sweet and adorable is Lana!! And Yoshi being so loving and caring of her!! Thanks so much for always sharing- your pup photos always brighten my day!
    You sneek peek is so intriguing! can't wait to see where this piece is headed- those threads are gorgeous! ")

    1. Thanks Jackie. We're all missing lovely little Lana! I've been doing more on the new piece, but I'm about a million French knots from being finished! ;o)

  2. Looking good, Linda ! That puppy is so adorable ! She will be very hard to give up ;(

    1. Thank you Sharron! Yes, it was hard to let Lana go onto her new foster Mom, but she's in great hands! Yoshi misses her little playmate. ;o)


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