
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blog Hop - Mary Beth Shaw's Book: Stencil Girl

The inspiration for this piece came from Mary Beth Shaw's book, Stencil Girl (and when you buy the book, you get an exclusive stencil/bookmark with it!). Mary Beth uses paper for a wonderful paper batik 'quilt', but since I have other plans for the finished fabric I have used cotton muslin instead of paper.

Since it was a cool day and we needed a little fire to warm up the cottage, I melted my wax on top of the wood stove.

After melting the wax, I kept it at temperature using an electric melting pot while I worked on the kitchen counter.  I layed the stencils over the fabric and applied the wax with a brush. I used soya wax since it was all I had on hand, but I wasn't thrilled with the results. If I do this again I'll go back to a combination of bee's wax and paraffin. I've used this combination for batik before with good results.

Once the wax was appied I used these liquid dyes in little misters to apply the colour.

This image shows how the soya wax let some of the colour through.  Not quite what I was going for, but the end result is pleasing non the less.

The pieces were put into little ziploc bags and left over night.

 The pieces were then hung to dry outside on the line.

Unfortunately, when they were rinsed the colour became a little more pastel than I was counting on.  Oh well, they're still lovely bright colours.  These next images show the quilting that was done, inspired by the stencil patterns.

 And these images show a few of the stencils that were used. Some of the pieces didn't turn out as well, so the original stencilled image was lost.

Stencils used:

Buildings Stencil by Carol Dube 
Gears Stencil by Mary Beth Shaw
Greek Key Stencil by Mary Beth Shaw
Dots and Dashes Stencil by Jessica Sporn
Trees Stencil by Mary Beth Shaw
Pods Stencil by Jane LaFazio

My plan for this wonderful piece of quilted fabric is to make myself a carry all puppy 'diaper' bag for all the things I need to have with me for my Future Dog Guide foster puppies. I'm still designing the bag, complete with lots of pockets inside for maximum organization.  I'll post a picture of the finished bag when it's done.  Until then, thanks for visiting and joining in another fabulous StencilGirl blog hop! Please make sure you visit all of the other blogs on this wonderful week long hop!


One lucky winner, chosen at random, will receive Stencil Girl the book with exclusive stencil bookmark and (3) 6" x 5" stencils designed by Mary Beth Shaw. 

All comments left on all of the blogs will be entered into the draw.  
Giveaway will close: Sunday, September 21st @ 11:59PM Central Time

Good Luck!

Hop Stops:

If you missed the first few days of this week long blog hop go here to find the start.

Didn't win the this incredible book here


  1. This is a great post showing how you can deal with batik. I really would like to try the different techniques in the book.

  2. So love your colors and the stencils! I would love a chance to win this book and play!

  3. I understand your frustration at things not working as planned, but your results are still gorgeous. I actually love the subtle patterning. I am inspired to get out some fabric and dye and see what kind of mess i can make.

  4. Such beautiful colors! Thanks for sharing the process with us!

  5. A bright, vibrant piece. It looks great. We look at our work with too fine an eye, seeing all of the "defects" that really aren't bad. Thanks for sharing a wonderful piece of work.

  6. What incredible eye candy, Linda! I thoroughly enjoyed your post, thank you so much :)

  7. Linda! This is SO cool! You have inspired me to try :)

  8. Beautiful work! I love the colours and wouldn't have thought of doing a technique like this on fabric. Hope you post a pic of the finished tote bag when you get it finished. :)

  9. Woe. Tat is awesome. I think the brightness turned out.

  10. Love the batik look - adding this to my long list of techniques to try!

  11. I like the subtle colours. This is a wonderful way to use stencils. Guess I'll have to get the book. com)

  12. I love how the 'batik' fabric turned out even though it was not quite as bright and differentiated as you would have liked. Sewn together the large piece is gorgeous! Thanks for showing us this technique! deardeniseh (at) yahoo (dot com)

  13. Very cool technique. Love how this came out Linda. I have beeswax here and will have to try this soon!

  14. This is awesome! I love the surprises that evolve from using stencils on fabric and paper. You've convinced me, I'm a Stencil Girl!! Love it!

  15. Wow! Never thought of a batik through a stencil! I've always admired the "mud print" fabric from West Africa in photos when my son was serving on a mission to Ghana. This technique looks like a cool way to recreate some of those patterns! Yours is way colorful! Love it!

  16. The colors are so vibrant. I am so ready to crack out the wax after my room is in better shspe

  17. Your use of color and your composition are just so outstanding. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  18. Linda, I love what you did with the stencils. I have never tried fabric batik so I am excited to try it. I like that soy wax can be washed out too.

  19. I love your quilt and really want to try dying fabric. Some day I'll try the wax thing as well.

  20. fabulous projects, is so vibrant!!! i love it!

  21. Fascinating artwork. I tried batik technique many years ago but haven't done it since. LOVE your work.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Grandma Nancy
    sapps2luv (at) yahoo (dot) com

  22. AWESOME!!
    I want to come to your house and play with Yoshi and Batik with you!! :)
    This is super-inspiring!

  23. I just love your batik'd fabric! It looks like so much fun using the stencils on fabric instead of paper. Thanks for sharing this great technique.

  24. Wonderful effects even if they didn't come out the way you wanted them to.

  25. Fabulous - I've never tried batik!
    I look forward to seeing your finished bag!

  26. Love what you did here! I quilt, love fabric AND could use a puppy 'diaper' bag right now for the classes we are attending with our new puppy. Perfect post for me.

  27. It can be hard to let go of how we want it to look when we are working on something - in fact my stuff almost never ends up looking like the picture in my mind's eye. But what a beautiful piece you created!!!!! Embrace what it became instead! lisa(at)horseconsulting(dot)com

  28. Oh, I can't wait to see the finished doggie diaper bag, Linda!! Fantastic fabrics and the colors still look very vibrant and bright and happy through your pictures :) I'm so glad that I'm hopping with the StencilGirl blog hop--I love finding new artists and learning new techniques! Thanks for sharing and hope to hear about your foster guide dog adventure! What an amazing journey that will be with those precious animals!! XOXO-Shari T.

  29. This is beautiful! I love the colors you got. I've been a little intimidated by the batik section of the book, but you make it look like it's something I *might* be able to do. Thanks for the tip about the soya wax.

  30. It's so cool that you foster guide puppies - their diaper bag is going to be gorgeous!
    cathsheard (at)

  31. OMG! Linda- this is beyond gorgeousness! Look at those cool Batik colors and designs you achieved! Thank you sooo much for sharing your process! I love your art!!
    ps give a squeeze to that lil Yoshi for me!

  32. I've never tried stenciling on fabric. This looks interesting.
    lacyquilter (at) gmail (dot com)

  33. Wow! Love the colors and designs. I really need to get some wax. toastmasterliz (at) live dot com

  34. Simply beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous project!


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