
Thursday, May 22, 2014

My First Entry in My Walls Notebook...

By now, you've probably noticed that I've been blogging less...I gave some consideration to letting it go all together, but I really do enjoy it. At the same time, 3 times a week was getting a bit much with my commitment to my future dog guide puppies, warmer weather and life in general.  So, I've decided that I will post once a week, and more if I have things I want to share. And so, let's get on with it.

I've been playing in my new Walls Notebook...

Children's books in general, but especially Dr. Seuss books, are wonderful sources of some fabulous quotes. I've always liked this one from the book Oh, The Places You'll Go. When I was flipping pages in the Walls Notebook for a suitable page to write it, I found this one with the 'walk' sign and thought it was perfect.

 A little bit of pen work...

And some colour and shading...

So if you're feeling stuck, to quote Dr. Seuss, "Get on your way..."


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Denise. This is going to be a fun place to record some of my favourite quotes!

  2. I totally understand about blogging. It seems to be last on my list after sewing, quilting, stitching, gardening, biking, walking, caching etc. that being said I do really enjoy your blogs and will look forward to it once a week. I love the above post. Is it actually a wall? Did you photoshop it? candy

    1. Thanks for understanding Candy and also for following my blog in the first place! This spread is done in my Walls Notebook. Read the "You've Got To Love Garage Sales" post for more details. I wish I had been the one to come up with the idea! Having said that, it would be fun to take some of my own photos of interesting walls and and then journal on them!

  3. Weird! My post just disappeared! For the 2nd time! Anyway, I love the Wall book and you using it for Dr. Seuss quotes and others! That book is one of my faves too! I've totally neglected my blog even tho' I promised to catch up! And I've got a blogoversary in a couple days. Ack! Ah,'s too fun to worry! Enjoy your posts! ♥

    1. I know the comments sometimes disappear when I try to comment from my phone. Fortunately it doesn't happen when I'm on my laptop! Happy blogoversary!!!

  4. Linda, I'm glad that you will stick to at least one day blogging- I love reading what you are creating and just in general enjoy your posts!! And your wall book- is very neat! Love Dr. Suess! How are those guide pups doing? ")

    1. Thanks Jackie. That means a lot! Dime's doing great. He'll be 9 mths in a couple of days. The little one, Yoshi, is still with her momma and litter mates...they're 3 wks now. I'll write a post about her once she comes 'home' to me. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Linda, I'm going to miss the blogs. I really do enjoy them, even if I don't comment at all. I do understand about time constraints. It is difficult to blog as well as live your life. Keep it up. I'll look forward to the weekly updates!

    1. Thanks Judy. I'm sure I'll enjoy keeping up with at least a weekly post and it takes the (self imposes) pressure off to do three posts a week, especially during the busier summer months. Enjoy this beautiful, sunny weekend!

  6. REALLY cool work!Love your style, too, Linda = )


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