
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Beautiful Cursive...

I have long admired the beautiful cursive writing of Lori Vliegen and her lovely, simple style of art journalling.  Being left handed, I gave up cursive writing for a personalized 'cursive' printing back in junior high when we were required to use binders for our notes and the rings interfered with my ability to write.  For some reason, I guess I hold my hand differently to print so I developed a form of joined printing that allowed me to take notes more quickly while avoiding those silly rings.  However, in spite of the fact that I think my hand writing looks okay, I've always wanted to teach myself beautiful, fluid cursive writing.

I decided to take Lori's Letter Lab online class.  It was just the bit of missing info I needed to help me refine my writing.  I've been practising for a few minutes everyday and hopefully in time it will become faster and more my own.

Add all of that to the fact that the last few days I've been feeling unmotivated and somewhat stressed, and in comes this journal page, because...


  1. Lovely! This is probably a dumb questions, but back in school, could you have taken the papers out of the binder, done the writing, and then put the papers back in the binder? :o)

    1. Thanks Jean. And re: your question, of course not...I was a teenager and that would have been too much like work LOL!

  2. That is gorgeous! and that online class sounds like a great help.

    1. Thanks Jeanne. It is a fun little class...just what I needed to help me focus on my writing.

  3. I so appreciate it when you recommend classes. Simple is better- in so many areas.

  4. Wow! Great what a few minutes a day will do! Cursive can be so deceptively simple, no? But this looks great! ♥

    1. You're right's just a matter to training the hand. Thanks

  5. Hi Linda Kittmer, I did NOT see a place to add a comment for the BLOG HOP Stencil give away. So thats why I am responding here. Love the quotes about secrets that you used. Must have been MEANT to be if you were already doing a project with secrets as the theme. ALSO, just saw some sewn drawl or sketched eyes that caught my eye & will be coming back soon to read up on them. Your extremely versatile & talented.

    1. Thanks so much Beth. Please do go back and check the blog hop post again. You should be able to add a comment there, just as you did on this post, so that you will be entered into the prize draw for Seth's great stencils!

  6. Love the cursive writing! As a lefty, I also, have had my share of problems, but enjoy writing in Cursive..


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