
Monday, April 7, 2014

April's Calendar...

I can't believe it's already well into April! And fortunately, although it's still quite cold, the snow is slowly melting and there are some definite signs of Spring.

I'm a little behind in my art journal calendar, but I finally got the spread done and coloured in, following the awesome idea from Joanne Sharpe in her online course Draw Your Awesome Year.  This is a fun idea for journalling, and luckily I write very small so I can still document a fair bit inside these fun number spaces.

The transition from black and white to colour is always fun.  Once those bright colours are on the page it just seems to pop.
(sorry for the 'black out' suggests I might lead a more exciting life than I really do, LOL. I just can't reveal a secret that's not mine to tell!)
 We've had a lot of rain one would expect in April, and my purple crocuses have peeked out among the dirty snow drifts so I just had to add them to the page.  And with Easter coming there just has to be a cute, fluffy little chick.

I used my Caran d'Ache Neocolor II to colour this page. Since a lot of the areas were small, I found it easier to scribble on my craft mat, and then use my water brush to activate and pick up the pigment for 'painting' on the page.


  1. How adorable is your chickie at the top! Love your calender- so playful and bright and makes me think Spring really is here! ")

  2. what a great page and such a good idea to do your calendar page like that. The colours are beautiful and really stand out.
    Gill xx

    1. Thank you Gill. Joanne Sharpe has lots of great ideas!

  3. Really great! Love the close up of your hand doing that teenie painting! ♥

    1. Thanks Minerva! Hope all is going well with you !


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