
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Dog's Life...

Today's post is a look back at the life of a wonderfully special family pet, our beautiful Golden Retriever, Casey. Sadly, she left us a couple of weeks ago, but as I looked through all of my photos of her, I just had to share a few (okay, more than a few...but you can stop looking any time).

Casey was an adorable puppy who loved to play hard, get dirty, and thankfully swim (which cleaned her up nicely).

She was a wonderfully gentle, loving soul and great companion to all her friends, two legged and four legged!

Her favourite place was at our cottage, where she conveniently forgot how to drink from a bowl in favour of walking chest deep into the lake for her drinks, and a bit of a swim!  She loved boat rides and snoozing on the dock or the deck!

And she'd even car sit when my friend Heather came up to the cottage!


  1. I loved her too. I know you'll miss her. She was a wonderful dog. *hugs*

    1. Thanks Kit. We've got so many wonderful memories of her to ease the pain of her loss.

  2. Sorry for your loss and Casey was truly a valued member of your family and I enjoyed your posting with her around.......

  3. Awwww. So sorry to hear about your Casey. These pets make such a big difference in our lives, don't they? It's wonderful you've posted photos of his whole life as a tribute.

    1. Thanks. They really are such wonderful family members. BTW, I grew up in Kitchener!

  4. Oh Linda, I am so sorry for your loss...I know how much it hurts, I had my Golden- Mr. Emmitt for the same amount of time...
    I am so glad you shared Casey's photos- such a wonderful dog, family member and lover..I can tell. There is nothing sweeter than the joy they bring into our lives and such a loss when they leave. You and your family are in my thoughts and perhaps, Casey and Emmitt have met and are swimming together ") Hugs to you

    1. Thanks Jackie. I'm sure our 'fur kids' are always with us in all of the wonderful memories we carry.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful dog. Our Golden is 13 1/2 and cannot imagine him not being here.

    1. Thanks Jean. We're so lucky to have these wonderful creatures share our lives!

  6. Loved your tribute photos of Casey. She looked so happy and had a wonderful life! ❤️

  7. A wonderful dog Linda. I'll miss Casey's gentle nature. It's been 2 years since my girl passed and I still have trouble talking about it. My heart bleeds for you. Hugs my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Leah. Thank goodness for all the wonderful memories we have. I know there will always be furry hole in my heart.

  8. Aren't they wonderful companions? I read somewhere that they live shorter lives because they already know how to love unconditionally when they are born. Thank you for the tribute and the wonderful pics. Candy

  9. Wonderful tribute to Casey. I'll miss her too. She was such a sweet dog.

    1. Thank you Donna. Thank goodness she had such a wonderful, long life!

  10. You got me crying.... I am soooo sorry...

    1. Thanks Bibiana. I'm sure this brings up memories of loss for all of us who have loved animals in our lives.

  11. Sorry to hear of the loss of your pet. Loved the pics you had of her

  12. So sorry ,losing a pet is like losing a child, so painfull .

  13. Aw, Linda! So sorry for your loss! But you're right, you got to have her in your life! In that, you were blessed! Lovely tribute! ♥

  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Our family has lost its share of lovely doggy companions, and I know each time the hole in our hearts gets bigger. They all live on in our memories, though. Blessings to you and your family.

  15. My heart goes out to you and your can see the sweetest in her eyes...and it's wonderful you have so many great memories of this angel!!!

  16. Sorry to hear about your loss! Dime must be missing her as much as you are. I had a retriever/shepherd mix I lost several years ago. They have such great personalities and are wonderful parents to all whom they share their lives with

    1. Thanks Teresa. Yes, Dime misses her too. He's lost his playmate and cuddle buddy!

  17. A beautiful tribute for a good friend!

    1. Thanks Anne Marie. She's sure missed around here!

  18. I'm so sorry to hear you've lost a furry loved one. She definitely was beautiful.

  19. It looks like Casey was a beautiful friend. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing such loving pictures.

    1. Thank you Kathryn. She certainly was a wonderful dog!


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