
Monday, February 24, 2014

StencilGirl Blog Hop Featuring Walnut Hollow...

Today I'm playing along in another StencilGirl blog hop, this time featuring a wonderful cornice box from Walnut Hollow.

Before I show you what I made, let me share a quick story... 

A few years ago I made a really cool sign (in my opinion) for our cottage.  I used a wood-burning tool to trace over our name and some of the details and then I used some acrylic paint and some fabric to enhance the design.  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures...I know, what was I thinking!...and even though I used marine varnish on it, it only stood up for a couple of years before the fabric started to fade. The black border you see here was originally done in 1" squares of colourful batiks and the letters in our last name were also done in batiks, with a narrow white border left around them.   I've redone it, this time using only acrylic paint so hopefully it holds up better in the elements.

Well, a while back Mary Beth Shaw sent me her latest book, StencilGirl Mixed Media Techniques for Making and Using Stencils and inside it was a project she did using a wood-burning tool.  That got me thinking that I haven't played with mine for a while, so I thought, what better project than a wooden box from Walnut Hollow to get that wood-burning tool back out for some fun!

As I mentioned, I'm using this beautiful cornice box from Walnut Hollow (Dimensions: 3.36" x 11.96" x 9.19").  It's a wonderful size and when finished and lined with some fabric, will make a beautiful keepsake or jewellery box!

I chose to use Jamie Fingal's stencils Zen Landscape and Houses stencils for my design on the top of the box.


I first drew a pencil frame around the top of the box, and then I used the Zen Landscape stencil to create an interesting hilly setting.  Because the box is wider than the stencil, I had to move the stencil around to create the initial wavy path, sometimes drawing in bits to make it work.  In the area under the path I used random parts of the stencil to fill in the area, again drawing some similar shapes myself to fill in all the areas.

I chose one of the houses from the Houses stencil and added it, along with it's funky tree in the little valley created by the path.  Again I took a bit of liberty to draw bits to make it work for me.  I also drew in the little walkway up to the front door. 

Now the fun begins...I plugged in the wood-burning tool and started to trace all of my pencil lines.  This was a great activity to do while watching the Olympics!  You don't have to worry about your pencil lines because they all disappear as you go.  However, if you are a little off with your wood burning, you can always go back and erase the pencil lines later.

Although I was very happy with how it was looking, I thought it needed some of the wood burned design on the sides too, so I drew in the random little rectangular shapes all the way around the box on the lid portion of the sides.  I varied the height to better echo the elements from Jamie's stencil.

Here's what it looked like after all of the wood burning was finished.

I used Silks acrylic glaze and some Byzantia metalic paint.  The Silks allow some of the wood grain to show through, and both give a lovely lustre to the piece. When watered down slightly, it acts like a beautiful stain for the background areas.

The final step was to mix a bit of the turquoise with water to stain the  'frame' on the lid, as well as the remaining parts of the sides of the box.

Great news...StencilGirl and Walnut Hollow  

have giveaways for you! 

All comments left on the hop are eligible for the giveaway so 
the more blogs you comment on, the more chances you will have to win. 
Have fun and GOOD LUCK!

The giveaway will close on Sunday, March 2nd at 11:59PM Central Time. 

Blog Hop Order
Linda Kittmer-You are here!
Mary C. Nasser-next stop...


  1. Linda--I love that you know only did the wood burning but colored it in--FANTASTIC!

  2. Beautiful, I love all the wood burning projects, I must get a tool like that, it's inspiring!

    1. Thanks Ruth. They really are a great tool, and not terribly expensive either. Glad we could inspire you!

  3. I love what you did with the stencils and silks. What a great imagination!

  4. Your box is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the burning and all the color!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Wanda. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

  5. Stunning! Linda! Is this box included in the giveaway? (heehee) Love the details of the stencils used and your painting them in- totally awesome! thank you for sharing! ")

  6. Adore, totally adore, the way you've used the Silks to make all your wood burning details pop!!!What an amazing box you've made!!

    1. Thanks Carolyn. As another colour loving lady I knew you'd appreciate the silks!

  7. I love my wood burning tool for gourds and this gives me a whole new idea. thanks

    1. Thanks Candy. I've never decorated gourds. Now I may need to try that...

  8. I always think of wood burning as very monochromatic.. this is fabulously colourful! beautiful :)

    1. Thank you. And yes, wood burning can be just the start. I love colour so I just had to keep going!

  9. What a wonderful box!! I love what you created here :)!!

  10. I love this house. So bright and cheerful.

    1. Thanks. I'm thinking of moving there. I'd love a bright, colourful neighbourhood like this!

  11. What a beautiful box. The versatility on this hop is amazing!

  12. Wow, love the addition of the silks! Makes the design pop!

    1. Thank you Karen. They are beautiful to work with and the bit of shimmer is wonderful.

  13. Linda what a great idea to decorate a box using stencils! Lovely. I love these blog hops as I get so much inspiration from them. Thanks.

  14. This is beyond cool! Awesome project and I love that you added color.

    1. Thanks Jessica. I must say I love how the Silks turned out on this box.

  15. Your art work, in any form, is always an inspiration for me.

  16. Linda, your use of these stencils is so delightful. I enjoy seeing the 'horizon line' effect. And this turned out absolutely SO CUTE!!! Everything about it, really sweet.

  17. This is seriously beautiful, Linda. Those Silks? Oh my.

    1. Thanks Judy. I loved how the Silks worked on the wood!

  18. Ooooh, la la! I love how you used the two stencils together! Brilliant! And the wood burning on a box is pretty amazing! Thank you for using my stencil designs! So inspirational - love how it comes to life with color and your little details around the sides of the box too, that bring it altogether! Fabulous.

    1. Thanks Jamie. Your stencil designs were perfect for this. I'm packing up now so I can go live in that cute little house in that delightfully colourful neighbourhood!

  19. This looks like a wonderful project to try; have the silks, have the stencils, now to borrow or buy the tool! Thanks for a great idea. Adding the border really ties it all together!

  20. love the colors. that little house is adorable.

  21. Fabulous Linda!
    My favourite project so far!!

  22. Linda, I love the colors... need a little spring in my life!

    1. Thanks Jane. Me too...I'd love to live in that little house!

  23. WOW! Another fabulous project! I love how the box turned out. And, knowing you, there will be some fabric added inside!

  24. how fun! this would look great in b&w too!

    1. Thanks Karen. Yes, black and white would be interesting too.

  25. That's beautiful (..and you can't have too many boxes). Love your choice of stencils. Great giveaway.

  26. You should keep your eye out for a quirky little knob to open the box. Maybe the family guard dog or a cat or a geo shape to match colors. I think that would look really cute.

  27. Wow! I love how you painted in the stencil...great use of colors!

  28. Gorgeous Box, Linda! That pretty turquoise really pops out against all those lovely jewel tones. I finally purchased some silks and now more than ever, I'm ready to play with them. Thank you!!

  29. that turned of great. love it. I've got to get some of those stencils.

  30. The color scheme reminds me of are from the Caribbean..Joyous

  31. Very pretty! The color and wood grain! Such a nice combination.

    1. Thanks Denny. The Silks are great for that since they're a sheer glaze.

  32. Wow, awesome box...I'd forgotten how neat wood burning looks! Have not done any since I was a kid

    1. Thanks Cat. Funny, my brother had a wood burning kit as a kid!

  33. Wow, wow and wow! Such intricate details and beautiful colors. I absolutely love the way it turned out.

    1. Thank you Cindy. I must say I'm really pleased with it too!

  34. OMG, I love how this came out!! And you know I LOVE the colors. Great job.

    1. Thanks Michael. The Silks are fabulous for wonderful colour. I just love working with them,

  35. Just when I think the projects can't get any better... I can't even find the words to say how much I like this box.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm really thrilled with how it all turned out too.

  36. Wow! I enjoyed watching the evolution of this--the way your vision for it played out. I couldn't foresee myself how charming and whimsical it would turn out to be. Very inspiring.

    1. Thank you Rebecca. Jamie's stencils were perfect for my vision!

  37. Gorgeous! I love my wood burner too! When people come to visit, I make them burn their names into my log coffee table! Brings back good memories! I saw furniture like this, painted with acrylics and sealed, in Seattle a long time ago. They were going for mega bucks! Maybe a side business for you? ;) Again, beautiful job! ♥

    1. Thanks! I love your coffee table idea! What an awesome 'guest book'!

  38. This is a great project. Loving this hop.

  39. I have used silks with a heat gun on wood. Wonder how it would look on a plain box. Like your work.

  40. Wow! Wow! Wow! Linda. This amazing blog hop has been my first introduction to wood burning. I was blown away by the very first glimpse & now you have taken it further by adding paint. I love that you can still see the wood grain through. Awesome! Feeling so inspired now. Thanks so much. Theresa x

    1. Thank you Theresa. I'm so glad we could inspired you. I see wood burning in your future...

  41. Wow Linda! I love your box. I love to have lots of bright color & texture on my work & this has it both. The effect of the burning is just awesome! Best of all I do not need to have any drawing skill as I can use a stencil. Barbara x

    1. Thanks so much Barbara. And yes, aren't stencils fabulous for getting our creative juices flowing!

  42. What a stunning piece! The design was truly inspired!!!!!

  43. I love the wood burning effect! Beautiful colors!

    1. Thanks Jean. I too love the wood burning paired with the Silks. I'm really please with how it all came together.

  44. I really like your project, wood burning is going to be a new addiction of mine I can tell :) Thanks for the giveaway and the awesome ideas.

    1. Thanks! Do I smell wood burning already? Have fun.

  45. Very lovely, Linda!
    You are a woman of many talents!!

    1. Thanks so much Mary. That's high praise coming from someone with your talent!

  46. Love the colors and stencil you used on the box! Great project!

  47. Love everything about the project. Stencil selection, colors, size of box. It would make a wonderful gift as well. Thanks for sharing it.

  48. Replies
    1. Thank you. Turquoise is a favourite of mine and the Silks are all just fabulous!

  49. What an awesome box ! Gorgeous!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. Love your project and I am enjoying the hop!!! Thank YOU

  51. Gorgeous jewelry box! I love the colors you chose and the stencils. Walnut Hollow certainly has a lot of products to offer. Glad I found them through Stencil Girl.

    1. Thanks Suzieq! Yes, if you need something wooden, they've got you covered.

  52. I think adding some work round the sides really finished it off nicely. Love it.

    1. Thanks. I thought that too. It just didn't look finished until I added that border around the side of the lid.

  53. Wow! You've come up with a new idea for your stencils. Looks great and I must get some of thise "Silks"!

  54. Oaky, another amazing project - you stun me every time. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine. That's a bit of I can't let you down... ;o)

  55. Linda, love the colors in the box. I've bought Walnut Hollow products for years, love them, but the wood burning is new to me as is the paints used. another great idea!

  56. Beautiful. I thought it was pretty when the design had been burned into the box. Adding all of the colors really made it pop. I'd be thrilled to have it in my house - in my living room. thanks for sharing

  57. Walnut Hollow loves your wood burned interpretation of the StencilGirl stencils and the colors used are just beautiful.

    1. Thank you and thanks for providing the box. It's been another fun blog hop!

  58. This is amazing! now I can't wait to try a wood burning tool! Great combined use of 2 stencils!

  59. The wood burning on the box for the design gave the painted image such a nice depth. Gorgeous! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks Caroline. I'm glad you found some inspiration. Have fun creating!

  60. love what you did, especially adding the paint. walnut hollow products are great, got to use them at charity wings art center would sure love some of my own. and stencil girls rock my world, best ever. thanks for the inspiration and the great giveaway.

  61. Nice to see this unique project and the color is especially great. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks 'Rubbergranny'. There must be a good story behind your profile name. ;o)

  62. It would never occur to me to use a stencil this way - really cool!

  63. Putting those stencils together was a great idea, which turned out perfect.
    The colors worked so nicely.

  64. I love how the Zen Landscape stencil makes me think of the layered strata of the earth, You used this stencil in a very original way - I love it!

  65. So fun and love the colors- so glad that I came upon your site through the blog hop :)

  66. The colors in this piece are gorgeous and vivid- totally love it. I'm impressed with everyone's wood burning ability not his hop as well. I've only really done one wood project in recent history and the results were less than preferred. I'm inspired to try again.

    1. Thank you Heather. I'm glad you've been inspired to give this another go. Have fun!

  67. This is really beautiful! One of the best uses of stencils that I've seen lately.

  68. Absolutely beautiful! It looked nice when the burning was done - but the added color brought it to life!

  69. This I adore! Woodburning with my Dad when I was young was always so much fun. He would love this! I have the house stencil, so this has my brain on overload! Love the border on the sides. Thanks for sharing a chance to win!

    1. Thanks. It's always great to remember special times with a parent! Good luck in the draw!

  70. this is absolutely fabulous! i love the mix of stencils. i always like houses and the second stencil is a perfect landscape. i love it on the lid of the box and the border you added to the edges. great job.

  71. So vibrant in a subtle way! It takes courage for me to freehand but you've made it work beautifully


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