
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sometimes Wrinkles Are A Good Thing...

I'm back today with a few more drawings of eyes...

As I continue drawing these close up sketches of eyes, I'm finding that my favourites are the older people with all of the lines and wrinkles in their faces.  They've got such interesting character, and all of those lines seem to make it easier to capture their expression and mood.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kit. I'm really enjoying doing them...have plans for a fibre art piece using thread sketched eyes.

  2. Your eye drawings are great! Did you ever see Deidre Scherer's work? Her website seems to be down, but if you do a Google image search under her name, you'll see tons of her work. Your eyes remind me of her textile work.

    1. Thanks Jean. I'll check Deidre's work...thanks for the info.

  3. Very expressive! Love the twinkle in that top person's eyes!

    1. Thanks. It's fun to try to capture different moods in the eyes.


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