
Friday, January 31, 2014

Another Media in My Art Arsenal...

Last weekend, Dime and I went to a cupcake decorating class.  It is the first of two that were part of my birthday present from my wonderful husband.

Dime was wonderful!  It turns out I was the only one who had packed a Kong with peanut butter into my decorating 'kit'!  Of course I was also the only one of the 6 participants who brought a dog. ;o)

After he enjoyed his Kong treat/play, he just curled up on his blanket and slept.

I've discovered that I love decorating cupcakes...who knew!  It is just another wonderful artistic outlet, and a tasty one at that!  Here are close ups of my first creations:

A simple rose...

I couldn't resist adding some of my little swirls and dots!
How adorable is this for Easter?

Is it just me, or should this one have another 'flower' in this top right area?

The 'balloon strings' were an after thought, better positioning of the little hearts would make them look more like time.
 Yup, there are those swirls again!

I love how elegant this one looks.  It would be perfect for a wedding don't you think? 

And of course I had to play with some text...

We'll have to hurry up and eat these so I can make more!  Thank goodness my husband and I like our dessert!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! They tasted good too...and now I need to make more!

  2. These are just the greatest cupcakes I have ever seen! Now I want to decorate some cupcakes! Thanks for sharing.

  3. My goodness Linda these look gorgeous, What a great course. I am in the process of trying to make my daughters 21st birthday cake atm ( stopped to relieve the stress its creating! ) your piping puts mine to shame!

    1. Thanks Morag! I find it a lot of fun. Just use your artistic talent and create a unique Morag origianl...think art not cake decorating and hopefully the stress will disappear!

  4. Stunning friends all started decorating fun cakes long before we knew we were artists!! It was a way to incorporate the creativity that needed to be expressed!! Love that you brought your dog along!! Good for you!! That's love!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thanks! It really is another art form...and such a tasty one. :o)
      Dime is a future dog guide puppy, so he comes with me everywhere. He's 5 months now and he's such a clever little guy. He'll make a fabulous service dog for someone!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! I just wish I could make buttercream icing that wasn't fattening! :o)


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