
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas...

Those flashing Christmas lights are especially meaningful today.  As a result of the big ice storm, we were without power for over 70 hours, so we're thrilled to have it back in time for Christmas!  It came back on yesterday evening, so we did have to postpone our family Christmas Eve (we always host my whole family for Christmas on Christmas Eve...a German tradition...which will now take place this weekend instead), but Christmas Day festivities with our immediate family are back on for today!

I hope you and yours are having a great, warm day too!


  1. Merry Christmas Linda! I'm so glad your power is back on. While celebrating last night (Christmas Eve is also a French Canadian tradition), I was so grateful to have power, heat, good food and family to keep me warm. Enjoy the rest of your holidays and have a creative New Year!
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle. We've had a wonderful day today and look forward to getting together with family on the weekend for our 'Christmas Eve' festivities. I feel so bad for those who are still without hydro and so very grateful to all those who are working so hard to get everyone back on the grid! Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

    2. Thank you, and I do hope that you enjoy the upcoming weekend with your family. Dates aren't important...the memories with family and friends are.

  2. I hope you had a great Christmas and that the New Year is filled with hope, love and many blessings!

    1. Thanks Pat. We did have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the best in the coming year too!

  3. Love those flashing lights! Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks Carol. It was a fun little bit of Photoshop play to create this.


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