
Monday, December 2, 2013

Casey and Dime...

The day I took the above shot, I thought it was so funny.  Dime had discovered he could sit inside the ring at the bottom of the kitchen stool, and he sat there for the longest time.  If I had put him there I'm sure he would have jumped right out...but since it was his idea he just sat there like that for about 10 minutes!  Too funny!!!

Some days Dime seems like he's getting so big, and other times he still seems like a little puppy, but when I look back over the weeks, I can see him maturing so fast! It seems especially evident in his adorable little face!

And he and Casey are never far apart.  When Dime and I go out, Bill tells me Casey looks around the house for him, and when we return the two of them always have a wonderful reunion!

Here they are...both 13...Dime at 13 wks. and Casey at 13 yrs.!


  1. Such beautiful dogs Linda
    I love labs of all kinds

  2. Adorable!! How long will you have Dime?

    1. As his foster family, we keep him until he's around a year old and then he's recalled to start his 'official training' as a working dog to become one of several special dog guides (vision, hearing, autism, special needs, diabetes, or seizure). Until then, we do all his basic training and socializing, exposing him to as many new experiences as possible.

  3. What beautiful four legged babies you have! I am a cat person myslef but I love dogs too - such beauties and lovely pictures of your companions.

    1. Thanks Asha. Casey is ours, and Dime is a foster puppy we're raising. He will be a future service dog for someone in need of a dog guide!

  4. Beautiful dogs , you can tell they are both lovely tempered , just look at those eyes :-)

    1. Thanks Sheila. They certainly are. We're confident that Dime will make an amazing dog guide when he's a little older.

  5. Awww, they are both so cute, and oh I love me some puppy breath!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Sheila. We're certainly enjoying Dime's time with us and so is Casey!

  7. We've had 3 labs and they are the best ever. :)

  8. That is so cute...and love the caption. He's adorable. Great photo. :)

    1. Thanks. I couldn't resist the caption when I saw him in there!

  9. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful dogs.

  10. Oh, so sweet, both of these pups! Isn't it heartwarming that they are good friends. Dime is really growing fast!

  11. Miss Peanut if growing like a weed too. Those two look like sweet buddies....xox


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