
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Last of the Fall Colour...

On the weekend, while out in the garden, I shot these images of the last bit of colour left in the yard.  Although most of the leaves have fallen, and those still clinging to the trees are mostly a sad brown, there is still a bit of pretty colour to be found in a couple of spots in the garden.  I took these rather quickly, with my iPhone, and unfortunately the focus is not the best.  I do love those wonderful berries on the euonymus .  The colour and shape is so interesting.  The wine/green leaves are from my fragrant snowball smells divine when it's in bloom in the spring!  And the barberry bush is rapidly loosing it's leaves, but those still on the bush are a wonderful variegated pink/burgundy colour.

I thought you might enjoy an update on Dime too.  He's doing great and he's never too far from Casey!  He is such a clever little fellow, learning so much everyday. Happily, at 12 wks he's reliably housebroken (actually was a week ago already!) and we haven't had an accident in the house since his second week with us.

"Here are some of the commands I know...okay, I'm just kidding about that last one, but a puppy can dream can't he?"

Linking up with Texture Tuesday.


  1. Adorable! Especially with the stuffed toys!

  2. Lovely fall colors, Linda !
    Oh, Dime is such a cutie ... both your dogs are so sweet !
    Nice week,

    1. Thanks Sylvia. I hope you have a wonderful week too!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Katarina. He has that affect on everyone he meets.

  4. I love the photo of the two dogs together with their stuffed animals - so cute!!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Patricia. And no, neither the puppy nor I can fly. LOL

  6. Such a beautiful puppy, our Dane Xziva is Always sooo sweet with puppies :)
    over from TT

    1. Thanks. It's alway so much fun to watch our older pets accept the young ones into the family!

  7. The pictures of Dime and of Dime and Casey with their stuffed animals are so sweet! It takes special people to foster a raise a puppy knowing he is eventually going to belong to someone else.

  8. Sorry, ever since I downloaded the new iOS on this iPad it freezes up and I can't finish my comment. Bless you for raising a guide dog!

    1. Thank you. It will be hard to see him go, but on the other hand he'll be doing such a wonderfully important job that we will be so proud of him...that will make it easier, knowing he is giving someone else the gift of independence!


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