
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Painting Fabric and Thread Sketching Explorations...

I've been spending little bits of time in the studio, when I can fit it in, to paint some fabric.  I started with recycled cotton bed sheets and left over pieces of muslin and used a selection of acrylic paints to achieve these wonderful, warm greys.

You may remember from a previous post of some of my photography, that I have a thing for eyes.  I think my husband think I'm crazy sometimes because we'll be watching TV and I'll suddenly be commenting on how incredible someone's eyes's especially odd when it's an episode of Income Property or some such thing. LOL

Anyway, that preoccupation with eyes has prompted me to do a study of eyes.  I've decided to explore people's eyes by thread sketching them using black thread on this newly painted fabric.  Here's my first one.  There will hopefully be many more to come.  This is a perfect, quick 'art fix' that I can easily fit in during puppy naps.  Needless to say, I can't yet take Dime into the studio so I have to fit in my studio time when he's snoozing!


  1. I love the printed materials and just adore those eyes. I have a thing about eyes too but no good at drawing them unfortunately . I have been married 41 years in December and as far as my Art is concerned... He still doesn't understand it or me! :) and we are still blissfully happy and in love..... So print away! :)

    1. Thanks Lynda. My husband is certainly amused by my fascination with eyes. I'm not sure what you mean by 'printed' materials...I guess you mean painted and I will certainly keep doing it. It's a great way to get your own unique fabrics, just the way you want them!

  2. Meant to ask what colours did you use to get tgose gorgeous shades of grey?:)

    1. Lynda, I used a combination of white, antique white, and black.

  3. Would I be correct in thinking that you are using acrylic paints that are for fabric? I have done a little with fabric paints and also a little with just acrylic paint. Unfortunately, the non fabric paint can change the hand of the fabric, but if one is using it just for artsy things I guess it really doesn't matter.

    1. No, actually it's just regular acrylic paint. I do sometimes add fabric medium to it, but in this case I didn't. I did water it down quite a bit, so it's not affecting the hand of the fabric significantly, but for art quilts I don't really worry about that anyway.


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