
Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving...

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving so my husband and I are busy preparing a wonderful feast of turkey with all the traditional trimmings.  And in between prep, I've been out for a lovely walk with my Mom and of course Casey since she'd never miss a chance at a walk.  Althought the colours in the neighbourhood are showing all the classic signs of beautiful fall colours, the path in the woods still looks pretty green.

Thanksgiving just wouldn't be the same without pumpkin pie so I've been experimenting with some gluten free crust variations, including one using ground pecans, and then I got a brain wave and decided to create a prailined topping of pecans, pumpkin seeds and a little bit of candied ginger...YUM!

I hope you're having a wonderful day!

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you here in Canada!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Linda and family! My hubby, son and I had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday as hubby is working today leaving me alone to rest :).
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle. A quiet day to just relax sounds wonderful. I hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Linda! I was lucky to visit my friends in USA during Thanksgiving - It was very interesting for me as we do not have Thankshiving here and I still have a lot of good memories! Helen from Ukraine

    1. Thanks Helen. It's a great tradition. The American Thanksgiving is in November, so if we times things right we could do it all again with our friends in the states next month. :o)

  3. I hope you had a wonderful day! Happy Thanksgiving, albeit a day late, to one of my Canadian blogging friends! Ours will be here before I'm ready for it. LOL

    1. Thanks Patricia. It was a lovely, great food and luckily beautiful fall weather for the most part.

  4. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you! Lovely images.

    1. Thanks Sherri. I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

  5. What a wonderful, beautiful wooded path. I bet the smells are just as wonderful.

    1. Yes Earl, it's a wonderful place to walk the dog!


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