
Monday, October 7, 2013

Creating My Own Autumn Tones...

It's been a while since I've had a chance to get back into my year long photography group/class Beyond Beyond with Kim Klassen.  I'm actually a few weeks behind, but decided to play with this week's lesson ideas (I'll get caught up on the others soon, I hope).

Working in Lightroom, I've taken a couple of images that I shot in the summer and following some of Kim's tips, I've played around to create an autumn feel to them.




I was able to add a nice, warm glow to the images, and yet, nothing beats the wonderful fall colours I captured in these images, which I took last fall while up at the cottage.  With the incredible forecast for the next week or so, I sure wish I was up there and not down here in the city!

It's always a good idea to look up when you're surrounded by beautifully colourful trees.  The contrast of those magnificent leaves against a bright blue sky is not to be missed!


  1. Linda, this is gorgeous! Makes me wish we had as much autumn color here in California. My favorite time of year.

  2. Magnificent photos Linda! Both those with actual nature colors, and the ones you edited. Nothing better than a clear blue sky with autumn colors below. Hope you enjoy your week, even in the city...which is where I'm stuck too. Would definitely love to be in the country this week with the cooler temperatures. Visiting from 2B class.

    1. Thanks Beverly. I love this time of year with the beautiful colour and the crisp air...great for cycling too!

  3. Your true fall colors photos are simply amazing. Love the deep, deep reds. Your summer photos are beautiful too. I have to admit to not liking manipulated photos via Photoshop. Of course, that is only when I know right? I know most photos you see anywhere are manipulated like crazy to get the most out of them.
    Aloha, Kate

    1. I have to agree with you Kate. I like the images I get straight out of the camera best too. Sometimes a bit of editing is needed, but prefer the images that are true to what I was shooting. The edited versions are good practise to learn the software, but you can't fake those beautiful fall colours!

  4. Absolutely, positively gorgeous...especially your SOOC photos!!!!

  5. Wow. I love your pics before and after! I can feel the stillness on the lake. It's so much more fun doing something you love. Thanks for sharing such beauty.

    1. Thanks Monica. It is a truly beautiful place to be!

  6. This is beautiful! Those colours just take my breath away!

    1. Thanks Rosie. Nothing beats our beautiful fall colours!

  7. That is the thing I miss most about where I live now and the place I lived before here-the wonderful autumnal colors. Your last two shots are what autumn is to me -all those wonderful colors.

    1. Thanks Abrianna. Yes, we sort of take for granted that everyone enjoys these beautiful fall colours but I know that's not the case.

  8. Wow! Wow! Wow!!! Love your edits.The colors are so stunning! Nice work. :)

    1. Thanks Tammy! Have a great weekend. We're celebrating our Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada.


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