
Friday, August 23, 2013

September's Art Journal Calendar Spread...

I've had a few very stressful days, and I thought some art would be good therapy, but at the same time I really wasn't 'feeling it'.  This just might be an indication that I should stick to something that isn't as important to me.  Needless to say, I'm not thrilled with this spread.  I considered 'gessoing' over it and starting again, but that just seems like too much right now...I guess this will live on as an indication of the mind space I'm currently in and since this is an art journal calendar, maybe that is as it should be...


  1. Sending feel good vibes for less stress!
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks Michelle! Hope you're having a great week!

  2. I think it turned out very cool! I love the date spaces. The colors are so vibrant! I know what you mean about the art reflecting back our mood, though. I created a couple of one layer cards recently that are not my usual style and I was VERY down when I created them. It's interesting to see our emotions in our art, isn't it?

    1. Thanks Angie. Yes, it really is interesting how art shows our deeper selves.

  3. I really like it. The red background hints at chaos, but it is tempered by the squares. I would leave it, as you said, as a statement about your state of mind right now. Maybe October's spread will be more tranquil.

    1. Thanks Valerie. That's what I've been thinking too.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Pat. It gives me an artistic outlet and only small areas in which to write the highlight of the day.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Louisette. I hope you're having a great weekend.


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