
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Guess What I've Been Doing...

If you guessed 'playing with Procion MX dyes', you'd be right.  I'm thrilled with the wonderful range of colours I've now got to work with in my art quilts for the next while! I'm especially excited by how well the cheese cloth takes the dye, resulting in fabulously brilliant colours.  I also made a bunch of skeins of cotton threads which I also included in the dyeing process, so I'll have all of these wonderful hand-dyed threads to use to embellish my work with hand stitch.

There are so many ideas running through my imagination for what to do with these and the indigo pieces I dyed earlier in the summer...I'm off to sew!


  1. Beautiful work! I especially love the cheesecloth and the threads. I can't think of a better source of inspiration for you.

    1. Thanks Jean. You're so right. I'll have lot of fun creating with these bright colours.

  2. Love all the fabulous colours and long for a day, playing with dyes!

  3. what a fabulous blog. Must get out my procion dyes when my sons go back to school and have a play again. YOur fabric looks excellent

    1. Thank you Lorraine. Have fun when you do get to it.

  4. WOW Linda, I LOVE these colors!! :-) Hmmm have to think more about getting into dying and seeing what we have here locally.

    1. Thanks Ashe. You'll love it. It seems really complicated at fitrst, but once you try it you'll. be hooked.

  5. Ohhhh Linda! I LOVE your hand dyed threads! Very Luscious!

    Hmmmm....Can I come play next time? LOL

  6. Beautiful! I did some earlier this summer and some rust dyeing two weeks ago, but I guess I should get some more done before the summer ends!

    1. Thanks Kit. Summer is perfect for dyeing! I've got a great piece of rust dyed fabric just waiting for some hand stitch. So many ideas...


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