
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Beaver Sightings...

There is a play on our lake that we have affectionately called 'Beaver Bay' because there are three active beaver lodges and when we visit in the evenings we are almost guaranteed to see at least one beaver.  

In the first shot, you can see two beavers swimming out in front of one of the lodges.  The others shots are all of the same beaver in various stages of signalling our presence and then diving under.  I especially love the final shot showing one of it's feet.


  1. Great shots Linda. We have an active lodge on our pond too. Love these guys. I know lots find them a nuisance but I find them charming. xox

    1. Thanks Corrine! I just love them, and fortunately our lake is large enough and there's a lot of Crown Land (meaning its owned by the federal gov't and uninhabited) so they really aren't a nuisance here.

  2. great pics of beavers. How fun. We used to have one at the Arboretum where I work in central midwest but he/she has moved on.

    1. Thanks Candy. They're such interesting creatures to watch. There are 4 active lodges in this particular bay on our lake, plus a few others on other parts of the lake.

    2. There is a lodge right down river from us. A little hard to catch them from this angle photo wise, but always a delight to see them swimming in the river.

    3. We go out in the boat to visit these guys. Their lodge is in a bay at the other side of the lake but we do occasionally see them swim past our place.

  3. Wow, great photos! I'm very envious of you being so close to such wonderful wildlife.

    1. Thanks! It really is wonderful. You just never know what you might see.

  4. Wonderful series of photos, Linda!

  5. Nice captures on the beaver!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. What lovely creatures to have so close to home.

  7. The tail slapping is a cool action shot! Neat sightings of the beavers. Great photos!

  8. It looks like they have been by busy. You caught some great shots!

  9. Thanks for sharing your images of these cute creatures. What a treat for you to have them so close.

  10. Great shots of the beaver. I have not seen it before.


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