
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Puppy Dog Eyes...

Okay, she's actually 13 years old, but to me Casey will always be my puppy!  Inspired by Kim Klassen's prompt, like I need an excuse, I've been shooting Casey in various poses.  Notice the ears in the breeze...she sure loves her boat rides...

as evidenced by that wonderful smile as she relaxes on the back seat of the boat.

I just might be biased, but I think she's just the sweetest dog there is!


  1. What a soft gentle loving face. She LOOKS like the sweetest dog alive, but I think my Harley might be IT.

  2. Casey is so cute !
    Lovely captures, Linda !
    Nice day,

  3. She looks really sweet. My Twin and I always follow and take pics of pets on the street, we called ourselves puppyrazzi. You can see a photo we just posted of Miel (honey) today :) at:

    Have a good weekend Linda and thanks for joining our party.


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