
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stencil Fun!

I'm so excited to have been asked to join the StencilGirl Creative Team.

I'm looking forward to creating fun art journal pages using the new stencils, and since I've been wanting to explore the use of stencils in my surface design and fibre art, this will be a wonderful opportunity to do that too.  My mind has been spinning more than usual with ideas of what I can do with stencils, fabric, paint, stitch...

Please visit Mary Beth and Maria at StencilGirl Talk , their new blog, for more information and a chance to win an incredible giveaway.  I won't tell you what it is, but if you like making monoprints, and you love stencils, this is a fabulous opportunity!


  1. So happy to see that cast is not slowing you down. Looking forward to some exciting use of stencils. I have used stencils on a gourd doll WIP. Need to finish a head for her! And yes I have joined the new Stencil Girl Talk blog.

    1. Thanks Ruthanne. The cast, and now the splint have slowed me down some, but I just have to do some art so I do what I can and the rest is on hold for now. Glad you joined the new StencilGirl blog.

  2. Congrats Linda. Seems at least four artists whose blogs I follow have joined the team. Cool! I hope to get some mail to you this week, but with the upcoming holiday you know it could take awhile. lol
    Stay inspired!

    1. Thanks! I'll look forward to finding your treasure in my mailbox! Michelle!

  3. Congrats, Linda. They have made a wonderful choice in you. I am excited to see the creative ways you use these wonderful stencils. You always manage to inspire me. I, too, have subscribed to the Stencil Girl blog.

    1. Thank you so much Bonnie. I think it will be a lot of fun and I like the challenge of having to come up with something using whatever stencils, etc. that they may send my way.

  4. congratulations, Linda. I'm looking forward to hearing more! I love stencils - usually make my own...

    1. Thanks Pat. I've made some of my own too, but with so many amazing ones out there it's fun to just shop too.

  5. Woo hoo!!! Congrats! What fun! Looking forward to seeing what you create with their stencils.

    1. Thanks Alyce. I'm excited to have been invited to play along!

  6. Congratulations! Several bloggers I also follow are on the team, and I do love stencils!! I subbed to the blog and entered the contest!!


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