
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sneak Peek...

On the weekend I was up at the cottage, so I took along some hand stitching to do while I hid inside, away from the blackflies. Yes, I'm a wimp when it comes to those nasty little things...although I did recently hear that we need them to pollinate blueberries (a fact that I have yet to confirm since there is mixed information about this online). Never the less, hide I did. Here's a sneak peek at what I was working on.  You may recognize this from a previous post of a photo I took and then edited in Photoshop elements. I am stitching all of the text  for starters and then I'll figure out what I want to do next.

Unfortunately, due to the complications mentioned in yesterday's post, hand stitching is proceeding much slower than usual...


  1. Oh black flies. Nasty little things.

  2. I'm amazed that you can do hand stitching while wearing your cast!! Brave girl. You inspire me.

    1. Thanks Barb. It's certainly a lot slower, but it's doable. I got a fibreglass cast today when I wenyt to the fracture clinic, so it's a lot lighter! Yay!

  3. yes; I can't imagine hand stitching while in a cast....great work!!

    1. Thanks Marjorie. It turns out it's more difficult than I thought. I can only stitch for a very short time before I have to stop. It's frustrating LOL

  4. My best wishes for your prompt recuperation!


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